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Face claim: Sofie Turner*
Love interest: Seth Clearwater
Character name: Lydia Simmons*
Supernatural status: Human
"Why does everyone keep leaving me Seth" -Lydia to Seth

"A mountain lion is a cougar... isn't it" Lydia to Jake

"You can't just waltz in here tell me you and Jake are some sort of shapeshifter and you have a connection to me after abandoning me for a month" Lydia to Seth
Plot: Lydia Rose is Jacob Black's sort of little sister. They were both very close due her coming to live with him when her family died of an "animal attack", but when Bella comes they drift a little. When he shifts and keeps it a secret and completely abandons her she finds her comfort in her best friend Seth. They grow close but he leaves her too when he shifts, and they're both completely miserable during the month they are separated. But when they meet again he imprints on her, and she has a hard time accepting it.

•Please give me credit and if someone's has something similar to this I am so sorry it's my first time with this and still kinda new to Wattpad. Ask for permission to write this because I would want to read it.

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