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Face Claim: Holland Roden*

Character Name: Belle Glass*

Love interest: Anyone from the Marders*

Supernatural status: Pure blood witch (Turns into Banshee)
"Yeah I was stupid,but I was curious. How was I suppose to know a werewolf would be there."

"Remus this isn't your fault. You do what you can to protect others from the werewolf side of you, but that does not mean you cannot live your life. Your actions define you not anything else. "

"Thanks guys for helping me I appreciate it. But I have a question how did you get me without being bitten too."
Plot: Belle Swan an extraordinary witch with the brains of a Ravenclaw. She wasn't a disgrace to her pure blood family but they certainly were not happy with her not getting into Slytherin. One day some random note told her to go to the shirking shack on a full moon. She followed despite the bad feeling. One thing she didn't count on was a werewolf being there. She tried to get out but failed and in that one full moon, Remus Lupin did the one thing he never wanted to do. He bit someone. The boys found her and quickly took her to Madam Pomfrey. As he beat himself up the Mardures tried to cheer not only Remus up but Belle too. They were ready to help her with the next full moon only she didn't turn into a werewolf nobody new why.

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