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Face Claim: Selena Gomez*

Character Name: Jasmine North*

Love Interest: Whoever you want.

Supernatural Status: Blasted by the Particle Accelerator Jasmine develops power with manipulation with reality, warping chaos magic, probability (Basically Wanda's powers)
"So I'm basically create and move stuff with mind this is so cool. "

"Listen I know what your gonna say I shouldn't use my powers out their in the open, but I've been by myself for a while now. I can take care of myself"

"So I made that guy think of his worst nightmare who cares Barry. Come on, no no no no. Okay fine I'll say sorry. Ugh"
Plot: Jasmine North comes back to Central City after a tragic event of losing her best friend and brother on the same day, when the Particle Accelerator exploded. Coming back she stops by to get coffee meeting the famous Flash when getting robbed only he does not save because she saved herself. Instead the Flash takes her to S.T.A.R Labs when realizing she is a meta-human. So she had a choice to make lie her but off or come clean. Though no matter what she choice she makes somehow she knows she is not in it alone anymore.

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