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Face Claim: Camila Mendes

Character Name: Veronica Potter* (first name only)

Love Interest: Remus Lupin

Supernatural Status: Pureblood witch

"Plan something with you losers I don't think so. Plus you'll end up detention."
"No we won't!"
"Oh yeah tosser. Bet 5 gallons"
"You're on" -Veronica and James

"You know if you want to talk about it I'm here for you. Seriously I lo- I care for you a lot."
"It's okay Veronica"
"Seriously now lets cuddle" -Veronica and Remus

"Ugh piss off"
"Excuses me"
"My gosh Snape. Lily doesn't like you like that nor does she like my brother like that, so if you could quit fighting over her like the last slice of cake and as if her decision doesn't matter that would be great thanks"
Plot: After James, the Potter family thought that they could have another child, however, all attempts ended in miscarriages and heartbreak until they were blessed with a baby girl. Veronica Potter was a miracle child and the Potter family was eternally grateful. Well except for James, he loved his little sister but sometimes it felt like she was competition. However, this feeling went the same way to Veronica. While the Potter siblings bond is strong they have an unspoken agreement to let the other shine, James in Quidditch and Veronica in academics. They also have different friend groups, James and his Marauders and Veronica with Alice and the Prewitt twins. That is until Veronica starts to develop a crush on Remus after he saves her in library. And Remus on her for the longest time.

A/N okay this one was long but James and Veronica's relationship is very important because they love each other very deeply and he is super protective, but they still have very big sibling rivalry. Also she is only a year or two younger. Okay thanks bye

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