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Face Claim: Freya Tingley *
Character name: Wendy Davis
Love interest:  IDK
Supernatural status: Human *
"My names Wendy, who are you?"

"So what your saying is that I disappeared and now I have amnesia. And that I haven't aged a day. Great"

"So you have no recollection or memory of what happened to you "- Stiles
"I'm pretty sure that's what amnesia means, Stiles"
Plot: Wendy Davis in the 7th grade was best friends with Lydia Martin, the kind, helpful, a perfect Hufflepuff she would describe herself as, but that changed when she disappeared. No one knew what happened it was like she disappeared into thin air. Everyone wants to believe she ran away, but nobody knows for sure. Then right before school starts of there Junior year she reappears just like that in the middle of the road to be found by none other than Scoot McCall after a deer crashes into his ex-girlfriend and her best friends car.

•Please give me credit and if someone's has something similar to this I am so sorry it's my first time with this and still kinda new to Wattpad. Ask for permission to write this because I would want to read it.

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