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Face Claim: Sabrina Carpenter
Character Name: Maya Cameron
Love Interest: N/A*
Supernatural Status: N/A*
——————————Quotes ———————-
" I did what I had to do to survive on that island it was hell. You're not seriously getting mad that I killed a bird Thea? "
"Not mad just shocked I thought you would of had someone do it for you"

" I know that you're all serious and all, but would it kill to actually have a party. And not just as a cover, but a real party" Maya to Oliver

"Maya you can sing?"
" Not professionally just you know in the shower and when I'm doing stuff"
Plot: Maya Cameron was a bubbly 11 year old girl who was invited to go on the gambit for a while by her dad, a crew member. He had gotten it approved by Mr. Queen and was excited to have his daughter join him for while. But just as the trip was starting to get fun it went downhill. The boat sunk and only Maya made it out. She was drowning until Oliver queen yanked her by the hair out of sea thinking it was Sara. Oliver and Maya made it to the island but on that island Maya lost a part of herself. 5 years later her and Oliver were rescued and he took it upon himself to take care of her since her father died and she had no other family since she never knew her mom. And it was going to be a hard adjustment being 16 and going into a new rich family. But she isn't going to be part of Oliver's crusade because all she wants is a normal life but she will stand by Oliver.

Note: Maya is very blunt, tough, knows how to hold her own, and innocent in some aspects. While she is survivor she doesn't know anything that 16 should or would know. She has a clean mind and very naïve in some aspects but she's still a badass. Also Oliver basically became her like father figure so there is no underlining relationship it's only like a father daughter relationship. Also she can sing and write her own songs. Her songs keep her grounded and close to her dad.

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