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This day wasn't the best, Naruto get to yet another closed-end with her medical project and it start to get her all stressed that all up to the point the third noticed her bad mood " is everything OK Naruto " he asked reserving a glare from the blond she truly wasn't in the mood for talking, she knew he just been nice but still she doesn't want to talk.

The third blinked at her then turn to Kakashi with a questioning look " I will get her some chocolates later maybe that would lift her mood, her last project taking so long " Kakashi said as he pate the blond head, the two genins rolled their eyes on their teacher's favouritism.

" what project? " the third narrow his eyes, he would have never believed Ede would miss Naruto pranks but now with the jutsu invasion, he wishes she just put some itching powder on his underwear that would be easier to deal with " not telling. you will know when it did, don't worry I'm keeping watch everything under control" Kakashi had the nerve to smile his U eye smile before He left his team and jump out of the window, Naruto followed him but the other two used the door, the third was left alone and sigh at the head ash he knows will come, he doesn't know what to do with Naruto anymore at least he and Kakashi have each other now.

The team did their missions together in silence under Naruto bad mood she was snappy than she ever was after that come time for training and they hoped it would lift Naruto mood to work a sweat.

As Kakashi keeping watch over the team he catch the smell of blood coming from Naruto, he gets closer checking the blond body with his eyes and he saw it, there in her pants was a red spot of blood but she didn't get hurt and the blood smell off, he messing something here but what...

"Naruto, is your billy hurting," he asked still trying to put a name on what odd about the blood smell " why you ask, it nothing I even notice without trying, I must have eaten so much " Naruto wanders, it not a secret between them that both have a high level of pain tolerance and so they usually ask when they noticed something wrong with the other and they not allowed to lie, they mates after all.

"you bleeding "Kakashi point out " what!! " she jump up to check where Kakashi point out and indeed she was bleeding " am I dying, I don't want to die, not like this I want to die on the battlefield, no, Kashi sensei help " she freaked out which is silly considering she had survived many things before more than some bleeding, bleeding right!! ... how didn't he recognise it right away.

the other two noticed the rampage but ignored it right away, Kakashi made a clone to stay watching them then he picked Naruto and Shunshin to back home.

" calm down Naruto it's just your period " Kakashi tried to calm her down " what !! but I'm not ..., I mean I'm a girl but I'm not.... "how could she have a period, she didn't bear a girl, she only won because of a jutsu so how " didn't you have it before, I mean you spend months in the war as a woman," he asked in a soft calming voice as he rubs circles on her back " I don't know, I didn't think so " she starts to calm down so Kakashi keeps going " maybe you did but didn't notice because of always been covered in blood, injuries and all that stress, it not a surprise we know you can get pregnant this only makes it more explainable, why don't you try to transform back "he soothed her down.

Naruto calmed down by now, she close her eyes and did the hand sings but nothing happened, she was about to freak out again but Kakashi start talking " maybe it because your body is in the middle of something, besides did you tried to transform when you don't feel like it " she shook her head " I didn't do anything to began with, it just happens" she whispered, " oh well just go clean yourself I will go and get you everything you need " she was bleeding all over, that can't be comfortable " do you know what to get ? " he doesn't but he can manage " I will ask the shop keeper " she jump giving him " I love you " she whispered in his chest, she so cute and she all his " and I love you too" with a kiss he left.

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