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Another week had passed peaceful, the weak was passed with work mostly, security shifts and cleaning duty, Naruto clones was used greatly through the days.

He is now on his way to the hokage office three hours late, he doesn't know why he called but he has nothing to do as Naruto didn't come back yet from his shift and Gai running around for another challenge if his, he should be back by the time he finishes with lord third.

" Sorry, I was lost on the road of life," he said with his infamous eye smile as he jump through the window. In the office was lord third, Jiraiya and Shikaku looking unimpressed by his quirks.

The third sigh " maybe you won't be late if you were in my seat, hopefully " he said under his breath but Kakashi heard him " Kakashi-ken, as you know I'm an old man and this hat is so heavy.. " the old man start as they all study Kakashi's face.

Kakashi felt dread but keep hoping, it can't be what he think it is " oh!! So you want to get Tsunade-sama back to take over, you will need Naruto for that " he tried but luck was not with him as the third shakes his head and said " Tsunade had left long ago, her will of fire dimmed greatly even if it pained me to say that" he sighed looking out remembering his lost students and the mistakes he made.

Kakashi eyes now grow wide " kakashi-ken you have..." Kakashi cut him right there before he say those cursed words and screamed " No!!" It was only a matter of blink and he was gone leaving shocked faces " hhh the brat know what good for him " laughter Jiraiya as this reaction is only a stronger version of his own, and they cant claim him, that hat is heavy after all.

A Hokage, him A hokage, not going to happen, he was a Hokage once in wartime and it was not fun, even though it mostly mean leading in the war which he did anyway, this time it will mean more paperwork and damn politics.
No, it is not going to happen.

When Naruto get out of the bathroom after his shift end he found an odd situation in his hands, there on the couch was Kakashi, hugging his knees rocking, his face looked as if he saw a ghost.

" what the matter Kakashi, " Naruto asked as he dried his hair, Kakashi looked at him with wide puppy eyes " the Third hate me" Kakashi sub and jumped him hiding his face in the blond chest.

Now Naruto know his mate very well, but sometimes he gets really silly that it so much work to try and figure what he talking about so he dragged him to the Hokage office to know what going on " Jiji, I found a kicked puppy" he called as he pushed Kakashi through the window, the Alpha didn't fight as he knows he will only waist few hours fighting him and running around before he gets a catch, then no sex for few days, Kurama could stop Naruto sex drive so Kakashi can't even torture him for it; better just fallow him and not pout, he not pouting, he a grow up Jonin.

" what did you do to him, he looks like you offered him the hat " remark Naruto glaring at the three" I'm afraid that what I was going to do " admit Sarutobi a little amused by the two.

Naruto now understand, no wander Kakashi freaked out, he still wants to be a Hokage but Kakashi never want the hat, even when he becomes the Hokage in the war it was nothing big, it only means he doesn't take orders but give them but he still has meetings with the other kage and his war council but to be a Homage in peacetime is a completely different thing, it has so much paperwork.

' Kashi, I think you should be the Hokage' he connects his Alpha ' hell no, Naruto, the paperwork!!!'kakashi cried and tried to refuse but Naruto was not listening, the blonde could feel the hate and the fear over the paperwork through the bond, he never understands why all the Kage he knows hate paperwork - besides Gara, he was always perfect- why couldn't they just use shadow clones?!!.

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