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The operation went smoothly though Hayate got in a coma as he heal slowly for three days, Naruto was tired by the end of it and slept the day not caring about anything but relaxing leaving Kakashi alone with the two genins for training, even the next day when he shows up he didn't talk about why he didn't come the day before, it non of their business.

Making tantō is not that time consuming and Akio is a good forger so it was no surprise for him to finish fast, Naruto held them in his hands with wide happy eyes as he swing them around having a feeling of the " thanks old man Akio, thanks so much they amazing  " he smiled a big smile at the man with the tantō in his hands " you welcome but remember they incomplete "Akio point out but Naruto's smile didn't felt " don't worry old man Akio, here your seals I have to go finish those twins " with that Naruto run back to his apartment, get a big bowl filled with his blood and start working.

Uzumaki weapon is unique because of the seal work on them, a real master of his level could make a strong weapon that can do anything, it is all about the seal formulation, using blood and chakra will key the sword to his bloodline then adding Kurama chakra as well as some natural energy will key it to himself only so this weapon doesn't fall in bad hands as Kurama have to trust them and they have to be from his line as well as a sage to be able to use them, good protection for the future.

The work wasn't easy, Naruto did his best, he was careful and thought long about this, Kakashi didn't bother him not even for food knowing that Naruto needs his focuses so he locked the wards so no idiot bother him and left.

It took hours of hard work, of bleeding and burning chakra till he finely did it, he finely finished his first Uzumaki style weapon and he can't wait till he gives them a try but that could wait as he is damn tired to do anything but let himself passed out and get some needed sleep, everything could wait for the next day.

Naruto woke up because the sun was on his face it was later than he usually wakes up his team most likely in the training ground as should be Kakashi, he so excited to show Kakashi his work that he jumped right to the shower to wash up then he runs to the training ground.

Naruto found Kakashi sleeping under a tree while the two genins messing around close to him whispering to each other as they glare at sleeping Kakashi,  Naruto wait for a few moments to let them notice him they Shinobi for fuck sake but nothing, not a clue even as he stands in the clear not hiding at all.
Those idiots.

Naruto get close and whispered behind them " what you doing ? " they jumped in surprised and turn to him " you late, even later than sensei, Baka " Sakura shot but he only roll his eyes at her " I know I was working on something and I slept in, but you didn't say what were you two doing " they looked at each other then turn to him with a hard look in their eyes, what could this be about " you sensei favourite aren't you,  say did you ever seen his face ? " she asked and Naruto finally get it, they try to see his face.

Naruto honesty don't blame them for wanting to know, he did act like a fool too to see Kakashi face when he was their age " I did " he nodded as their eyes filled with surprise and curiosity though Sasuke try to hide it not that it working very mush " what !! really !! how he look ? Tell use " she tried to look cute to get what she wants but it doesn't work on him Sasuke want to know too but his pride made him not ask.

Naruto looked at them and wonder would he give them a hint, it could be fun to play around with them but then..." I like my life thank you, the only reason I saw anything is that I'm a seal master and he need help in clan matter so don't ask " he reused them and watch their face fall, he not crazy to tell, he can see Kakashi stop sex as a punishment that man have strong self-control.

Naruto remembers when he saw Kakashi face first time in their first mating as it turn out the reason he put on the mask is not only because he was ashamed of his face looking exactly like his father even if Naruto say it was not true but it because the Hatake clan do wear masks wish to mean they adult but unmated and once they mate they tock it off but Kakashi is so hot and Naruto so possessive that the mask stays on even after the mating, no one will ever see his mate's perfect face beside him, it all his.

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