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Naruto was tired and ready to go home but before he leaves Akio stopped him " just a moment Naruto ken there something I want you to have a look at " he get something from under the counter and put them on top, they was chakra weight and not only that but Naruto recognise that sealing style anywhere " the Fourth's work " he remarks getting a confirming nod from the man.

" a Jonin left them here as they are damaged but I didn't find anyone with the level needed of mastery in the seal to fix them or copy them " Naruto hum checking the weight more in his hands then he walk to where the blank weight was and get one and in few minutes a new set of chakra weight was made " here this, fixing the Fourth's seal system is so much of work making a new one is easier, this heavier then the other one tho and another thing could you ask him if I can keep the old one I would like that " Akio checked the work and indeed is perfect even if he doesn't know so much about sealing as that boy in front of him he can tell " thanks Naruto I will give it to him today when he shows up " Akio put them away.

" say who the Jonin " Naruto was curious as well as this work was heavy and he have the feeling it for Guy " Maito guy if you heard of him " so he was right it is four guys, not many can use this heavyweight " guy you say, as in my Kashi-sensei rival " he smiles mischievous, it been long since his last prank, this will be fun " you know what, why don't you give it to him for free," he said thinking of what Kakashi's face will look like when he realises he owns Naruto one, oh and he will save it for when he needs it, it will be fun  " what !! why? those will cover the rest of your dept " Akio was confused and a little worried because of that look on the foxy face, that boy planing something and he feeling sorry for the poor soul that will get the hit " that OK, just tell him they were paid off by Kakashi, I will get a payment out of Kashi -sensei " he laughed ignoring the worried look on Akio face and left thinking of what he can get out of Kakashi as a payment, last time was good but he wants something big.

" say who the Jonin " Naruto was curious as well as this work was heavy and he has the feeling it for Gai " Maito Gai if you heard of him " so he was right it is four Gai, not many can use this heavyweight " Gai you say, as in my Kashi-sensei rival " he smiles mischievous, it been long since he did a prank, this will be fun " you know what, why don't you give it to him for free," he said thinking of what Kakashi's face will look like when he realises he owns Naruto one, again, oh and he will save it for when he needs it, it will be big just like last time.

"What !! why? those will cover the rest of your debt " Akio was confused and a little worried because of that look on the foxy face, that boy planing something and he feeling sorry for the poor soul that will get the hit " that OK, just tell him they were paid off by Kakashi, I will get a payment out of Kashi -sensei " he laughed ignoring the worried look on Akio face and left thinking of what he can get out of Kakashi as a payment.

In the Jonin bar you can see some form of a party, there in the middle of it all was Hayate with his Jonin friends around him congratulate him for his full recovery, there were drinks and snacks all over the big table, it was going well till the door was slapped open and the red tired face of Gai get in, that look on him is rare, Guy is freak he wasn't seen tired in years.

Gai looked at Kakashi seriously then jump him in a huge " thank you, thank you, you the best Reval ever " he cry on Kakashi who was trying to get him off " what get you so happy Gai " ask Asuma " my youthful eternal Reval get me the most youthful weight ever I test them with twenty Laps around the village " announce guy happily with tears in his eyes " twenty rounds, is that what get you so tired ?" Ask a surprised Kurenai only for Gai to node shocking everyone as that man can do hundreds of laps like it's nothing, how heavy those weights are.

" I did not " Kakashi refuse to shock them back to the living world and they remember that Gai said Kakashi get those weight for him, since when Kakashi give gift let along to Gai " but Akio-an said you paid for them, don't be shy my Reval ..." Guy side hugged Kakashi " what !! I didn't!!! let me see " Kakashi gripped Gai's weighted leg and moved the leg warmer to see them and he cursed right away covering his face as he dropped the leg " that bastard I will show him " Kakashi hide his face with his hands it was Naruto, he knows it " who you talking about Hatake San " ask the party boy " it Naruto, he made those " he set back down asking for a drink and wonder what Naruto planing.

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