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Naruto show up to the match as a girl as she shifted in the morning, she thing that maybe all the use of chakra and the stress made her shift so many times or it because her period comes, she keep drinking her Kunoichi tea even as a boy so it could be that why.

Naruto run to the group she didn't see them in a long time and last time she did she was so stressed with some seals and that little shit that's she didn't talk with them " Hi everyone" she greeted them with a smile catching their attention, they all looked at her for a second to recognise who she is " Naruto!! Is that you? you look like a cute chick" said Kiba getting a closer look at her.

Naruto ruled her eyes on the dog boy he would never change and to be honest it warm her heart a little " well thank you Kiba you made my day" she said sassing him " troublesome blond why are you dressing like this " Shikamaru ask getting closer and it reminds Naruto that she didn't meet with the other team's lately " I'm a girl so I dress like a girl what could it be" she said not in the mood to explain she doesn't want to, and where Kakashi she wants to know.

All the group looked shocked and scream 'what' before Hinata pass out thankfully Kiba catch her, Naruto was going to stab someone her mood was bad her period must be close but lucky for then Kurenai show up "so this first time you meet the She naruto, well let me explain, Naruto sometimes feel like a girl and sometimes like a boy and so he changes to match her feelings, you have to be supportive to your friend" Naruto gives her a thankful look " that weird " Kiba remark as he sniffs her up " that means Kiba Naruto is your friends beside most jonin and many shinobi develop odd quirks so you better get used to it " she tried to explain as that true in Konoha the most " but Naruto is just a genin, a Baka to add and dead last and how would he date with acting like a girl" Kiba challenge want to fight naruto not happy with the quick lose he had last time.

Naruto was not a kid she was a grown-up woman, even if her body is not she fought a war and killed many but that stop her from putting the little pup down where he belong he shouldn't bark on someone stronger than him" well first, this dead last kicked your butt in less then a minute, second, I'm not a fake girl I'm a real girl when I want to be, third, don't worry about me dating I'm busy with my kunoichi work now but when I want I will date a man, a real man not a wannabe Alpha with a cute puppy" she ends it as she noticed him looking at her and smelling her, she knows how she smells like a perfect mate with Kakashi skin as a warning, she cleans the sex smell so it would look like Kakashi only protecting her as a pup.

Kiba glared at her face red " I will show you what...." He was cut by Asuma getting between them " stop right now the fight start soon " through all this Ino didn't say a word, she was caller then usually and she didn't ask about Sasuke, her father was working about her for the last few weeks and she didn't complain, after she found out about Sakura and her father explaining to her that her crush on Sasuke alone made it so she never would be put in a team with him as they trying to avoid another devoted kunoichi to the boy with how rocky his loyalty is, he explained to her that if she didn't snap of that crush soon and take her training seriously she could be demoted if not all-out kicked out of the program and her father would make sure of it as he rather she stay in the village then die out there or endanger her teammates, she trying to work on it.

Naruto took a look around not finding the Uchiha brat, he wanders where he was after all Kakashi is close hiding to look lite so what keeps him lat, sons things don't change no matter what they did, he wonders what would change and what would stay the same through the next few hours, he only hopes their meddling would not end up with someone dying, someone who was not supposed to die.

Naruto turn around to Shikamaru eyes on her chest, it bonded but still show from the open vest, he must want to see if her body was really of a girl or not, after all, she doesn't have an Adam apple as a girl" want to touch" she asked with a lifted eyebrow, the pour boy turn red and turn around "troublesome blond" Naruto smirked, that boy never change, he curious but respectful enough to not touch.

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