Chapter Fourteen

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The blood dripped from her flesh. In my mind I could picture tearing into her with my claws. I could almost smell the fear in her scent, the look in that brat's eyes.... I would be the one to do it. None of my men would. Just me. They could have what would be left, which likely wouldn't be much. Not with the damage my claws could do.

"Or maybe we should just kill him. I can smell your daughter. She is close. But most likely not close enough to hear, not yet, not till she shifts. The rage and pain this sight is causing, will cause her to shift, and soon."

The little brat had gotten away. She had disappeared. But she had been there. Her scent had been strong. Once again had come close to getting one of the brats. I had my men looking as far as I dared them to. The news had picked up the story of a dead married couple found in a nearby park. We had to lay low for a few days. I slammed my fist against the granite countertop. It groaned and spiderwebs started to spread from underneath my fist. It only added to the other spots on the counter top. The other spots where all from me. My anger and strength would end up destroying the precious counter top.

As clear as a bell I could hear their voices. Voices that I had grown up with nearly my whole life. Their voices told me what mother would have said about me recking her prized granite table... what they would have said about everything that I was doing. They were not on my side. Neither of them. They had been working against me the entire time. Once I found them though, they would pay. They would pay and then follow me. If not, then they would die.

I growled into the empty room. It reverberated and echoed. I was alone in the house at the moment. I would get what I wanted. I would lead my pack to victory and be head, no king and leader of every Lycan in the United States. And then the world. This was just the beginning. The beginning to my empire. And it started where everything had been destroyed all those years ago. I had cleaned up the damage. Now all that was left was to fix the counter top now.

This place, it would be headquarters. This would be the spot from which I ruled my empire. With my men by my side I could do anything to get what I wanted. This, this was all going to be mine. There was only one piece that was missing. Something that I couldn't replace or fix. The damage was done. I could hear her soft voice. It whispered all around me. I couldn't get my twin back, I never would. She hadn't agreed with me. In the moment I offered her a spot, she choose the path she viewed as more worthy. A path that didn't involve me anymore. She had made her choice. I slammed my fist into the counter again, this time harder. A large split started appearing. It stopped on both sides, not completely crack the counter in half.



"We have a major problem, and I mean something that can destroy everything that we are working for."

I turned around and faced my second in command.

"What is this major problem?"

"There is a witness, to everything that happened. And they are in the police station. They are spilling everything right now."

I growled.

"The neighborhood was empty! No one was supposed to be home!"

"I know, but that's not what make it bad."

I scrapped my claws against the counter.

"They are a Lycan?"

He nodded. Fear was in his eyes. I could tell this spooked him. He hadn't been this shaken, ever. We were truly in deep shit.


Both my fist came done on the counter top and the crack explode, chunks of the counter fell off and onto the floor.

"Do you know who?"

"No. All I know is that they will probably keep the fact about what we are out. But they saw everything and will surely lead them to us. We might be arrested. Then there is no way we can shift or take control. And when that full moon hits next week..."

"It would be a damned massacre in the jail. The cat would be out of the bag then. Humans would know what monsters truly are in this world besides the actual criminal population that there is. We would be completely exposed. And then they would know. They would find out and go even deeper into hiding. Then we would have absolutely no chance at all."

The room was silent for a long time as I tried to think of what to do. In reality there was only one thing to do. Run and hide. Run and lay low till it blew over. There was no way I could slow myself or anyone in my pack get put in jail. I was one of the very few that could control my shifting. We would have to wait till it was all over. It could be months to years. One thing for sure was we could not come back here anytime soon. Not for along time.

"Pack it up. We are going underground until this blows over. Until then we hide. We can plan and keep following leads to where the rest of those brats are. We will find them. We will turn them to our side and gain all the power we need to create the empire I want. The empire that will be mine to rule. And when I die, it's yours. Gather the men. Gather everything we need. We leave tonight."

With a silent nod he saluted and left. I took one last look around the kitchen. Memories flooded into my head.

"This is goodbye for now."

I whispered.

"I'll be back. I promise. I need to claim what is mine. I will have it all."

I turned around and didn't look back.

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