Chapter Nine

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I slipped, landing hard on my back.


"Watch out next time. And remember, don't ever turn your back on the enemy."

I sat up fast and did a back flip, kicking the person I was sparing with in the chest.


They feel flat on their back. And hard.

"Trust me, I never do."

And with that I walked away. I grabbed my bag and coat and quickly dashed out of the studio. I had thirty minutes to get home. It was a good thing that I only lived a few blocks away.

As I drew closer to my house, my ears picked up on a sound, my nose picked up on a smell. I froze just around the corner of my house. All of a sudden my blood felt like it was boiling.
I wanted to scream at the pain I was feeling.

When it passed, I blinked. Then blinked again. There was a dark van in front of my house. And armed men with rifles guarding the van and the front of the house. All wearing masks. Something was very wrong. I could feel it in my bones. In fact it felt like my bones wanted to crack and break. I stifled a harsh sudden sob, a sob of pain and anger as I saw my dad being dragged outside. Then my mom.

"We told you already, we don't know who or what your talking about. Our daughter, us, we are normal people. Please don't do this. Please."

I heard her beg. My dad was covered in blood.

"Well then maybe we should turn you all. We do need more soldiers. Your husband would make a fine one too. With the amount of fight still in him."

The man leaned in and whispered. But I could hear him.

"Or maybe we should just kill him. I can smell your daughter. She is close. But most likely not close enough to hear, not yet, not till she shifts. The rage and pain this sight is causing, will cause her to shift, and soon no doubt. And killing you and your husband will bring me pleasure anyway. Anything to get one up on the enemy. Right boys!"

The men around him chuckled, some even howled. It sent shivers down my spine. The pain in my bones happened again. The howl stirring something inside me. What was going on?!

I watched in horror as the man walked away from my mother and suddenly he changed. His clothes ripped to shreds. He stepped forward a giant paw ripping my mothers leg. She screamed and he quickly put his now bloody paw on her mouth. I heard them all laugh as he walked over to my dad. No. I wanted to scream. Stop hurting them.

He paused, and his men let my dad fall to the ground. He groaned and tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't. Then, the beast, this monster, bite my dad, deep. My dad screamed and screamed.

"No! Just kill me. I will never serve you! Never! What ever the hell you are! Monsters!"

He screamed, writhing in pain. Trying to resist what ever they had done to him. I silently began to cry. No. Why this? Please. No. Not us. Not my family. My blood began to boil again. Hotter and hotter. I could start to feel the cracking of bones. Something was happening to me. The same thing that had happened to that evil man. I gritted my teeth. He went back to being a human. Naked but definitely human now. He picked up my dad and shoved him into the air. My mom whimpered in pain.

"You will serve me! Or I will do things to your daughter and wife!"

"You will never have our daughter or me. We will die to protect her you basta..."

And he shifted his hand and stuck his claws into my moms thighs. She screamed in pain. My dad still in pain, but not giving up, I've never seen him give up. No matter what it was, take his fist and punch the man, who was still holding him.

Distracted by my dad, my mom picked up the gun within her reach and took aim. All at once they all shifted and poised to attack my mom, my dad. I knew I had to run. I couldn't stay. My dad caught my eyes. My tear streaked, pained expression. He mouthed something. It nearly brook me.

"We will always love you Kayla. We are with you in your heart. Run, get out of here. Run"

I knew my dad was right. With effort and still in pain, trying to fight what was happening to me, I ran and ran. I didn't know how long I had been running but when my legs gave out because of the pain in my bones, I knew what I had been fighting off, was about to happen. There was nothing I could do. I could stay quite though. I didn't know how close or if they were tracking me.

It was so dark. I was all alone. I was scared and I knew deep down my parents had to be dead. There was no way they were alive. They had been murdered protecting the one thing they loved more than themself's. Me. I wanted to cry. I already was because of the pain.

The pain was overwhelming. I felt my bones shifting, changing. My face too. Soon I rolled on my side panting hard, feeling a new but unfamiliar strength running through me. I blinked my eyes rapidly. Something was off. I could see a lot better. And the dark wasn't so dark. I could see the grass blades beneath me.

I heard a howl. And a familiar smell. A smell back at my house. The man and his evil goons. I had to get going. Get gone. Run like my dad had told me to. The whisper of the wind caught my attention. A image formed in my mind. A voice I had never heard before.

"Texas Kayla, go to Texas. Once you cross the border just run. Run till you can't no more. Run!"

I listened. I got up on my feet, my four legs, and I ran. I didn't stop. Not even when I passed several borders. I hunted and ate what I could. But are barely stopped. I had to keep going. I had to survive. I had to get payback.

They would pay.

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