Chapter Three

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Updated: 11/24/2019


After as we went hunting, Damara told me most of everything I need to know, answering all if not most of my questions. It surprised me that I didn't reject it at all. That I wasn't trying to blink myself awake from a nightmare. I had found the missing piece in my life, the hole in my soul felt complete. I felt whole. I knew my place and who I really was.

Her brother Cameron treated me like as if I was a younger sister. The way he looked at me throughout the night. I was catching waves of emotions from him that told me something was up. That I reminded him of someone he knew. I wanted to ask, but chose not to. Too worried about invading his privacy.

As the night wore on, I discovered I could run really fast, my hearing and sight had gotten a lot better. But most importantly my sense of smell had sky rocketed. It was getting overwhelming though, as the night wore on. I finally couldn't take it anymore and asked Damara if we could head back to the cabin.

" Sure we can. Me and you will head back. Cameron told me he needs some alone time."

I nodded my giant head. It felt weird to shake it or move it. This was something I'd have to get used to. It was odd, scary, yet fascinating. Unbelievable yet real.

" I didn't here him say anything to me though, why?"

" The communication channel can be closed off. That's something you get better at the more you shift and as you get older."

When we reached the cabin, I shifted back to my human form. The moment I tried to take a step forward though, my legs collapsed beneath me. I felt like a baby, having by to learn how to walk, all over again. I tried to get up before Damara came around the tree she was shifting back behind, but to no avail.

Damara came around the corner all dressed, were as I was not. I felt a blush come on and looked down. I had never been naked in front of anyone except for my parents, and even that wasn't a thing anymore because I wasn't a baby no more.

" Don't worry Celeste. That happens the first time to everyone. You have the adrenaline as the rush of shifting still in your system. Makes your human body not want to corporate for a few seconds or minutes. And I'll teach you how to not rip your clothes the next time you shift. Here, let me help you."

And I let her carry me into the house. No longer super embarrassed about my lack of clothes. Now, more embarrassed by my lack of experience and knowledge of the new me. She hadn't made fun of me. I realized she had seen this as normal and nothing to comment on. I began to be curious as to why this was this way. Had she grown up around several Lycan? Had she been part of a pack?

" Yes and yes to your questions."

I gasped and immediately felt ashamed. She gave a small chuckle and smiled.

" Don't worry it's okay. I don't mind if you pry a little. And over time you'll learn how to not broadcast your every thought in your head."

She smiled at me as she handed me some clothes.

" Let me know if they are too small. I go look for something else for you then. Bathroom is over there."

She said, pointing to the only other door in the cabin.

I said a quick thank you and head to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and quickly changed into the clothes she had handed to me. I smelled a familiar smell. It was the perfume of my favorite clothing store in the shopping mall.

My ears picked up her movement as she moved about the cabin. I pictured a wall, and built a box of all my questions in my mind, and put them inside the box. This was all mental of course, but I hoped it would speed my progress of learning how to block and keep my thoughts private except for when I wanted them known.

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