Chapter Five

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Updated: 11/24/2019 ( Completely new chapter, completely redone.)


It was the next day, though it felt like it had been days. I was exhausted despite the fact I had slept deeply last night. Groggy and stiff, I sat up, the blanket slipping off of me and onto the floor.

I heard a soft humming and looked up to see Damara at the stove, cooking what smelled like hot ham and Swiss cheese sandwiches. I spotted the green of the lettuce, the shiny read tomato's, and the smell of grapes on three paper plates on the table.

" Afternoon sleepy head. Good to see you wake. Once you get dressed, eat and if you feel up to it, you can come watch or help me build your room."

A rough-ish voice said. I turned to see Cameron coming in from the outside. It was the first time he had physical spoken to her in human form. His voice was recognizable, but held a hint of a mystery as he went silent again. Starring at her for only a brief moment before going over and grabbing a plate and then disappearing out the front door again.

With a small smile Damara turned to me and winked.

" Don't worry Celeste, he will warm up to you soon. It just has been awhile since we have done something like that last night. We are both hopeful, excited, and worried at the same time."

I nodded. Sensing more, but shutting those thoughts, those questions away.

I got up and saw fresh clothes at the end of the couch. Picking up the blanket and tossing it back on, grabbing the clothes I went into the bathroom and changed.

When I came back out, Damara had add some cheese puffs to her and my plate.

I drew in a deep breath and smelled them before I was two steps out of the bathroom. The smell making my mouth watering. I was at the table faster than I could have imagined.

" Go ahead and eat, there is more if you want, plus now that you've shifted... You might feel more hungry than normal so eat as much as you want. It's normal, so don't worry. Cameron eats the least for a Lycan that's I've ever heard of, but it doesn't seem to affect him much. Me and you will go shopping for food tomorrow afternoon, when Cameron goes into town to get some stuff for the rooms."

I was halfway through the sandwich by the time she had finished. I set it down and blushed. It was still so much to get used to though. It was a whole new life. That was for sure.

Instead of saying anything else, Damara set down a glass of lemonade before setting a whole bag and four more sandwiches on another plate in front of me.

She then headed outside, leaving me to ponder my thoughts and think of new questions. With that I continued to eat.


After getting my sandwich, I headed back to where I was working on Celeste's room, along with another room for Robin.

The sandwich was nearly gone when I rounded the corner and picked the hammer back up.

They would both be around the same size. One of the problems was attaching the rooms to the existing cabin. The base was built already and two of the outside walls were sectioned off and halfway built.

I made the decision to ripe the section of the cabin apart later in the afternoon when Damara and Celeste were out in the woods. Damara wanted to tell Celeste more history and teach her more things.

As if he had called her, Damara popped up and breezed around the corner at a slow walk.

" The rooms are coming along nicely Cameron. I can tell that we will be able to fit possible one more, besides these two, before having to create a hallway to expand. That or go up."

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