Chapter Two

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Updated: 11/24/2019


The whether had changed by the time school let out and I was soaking wet by the time I got home. I had missed the bus and so I had to walk home. Yeah I had my drivers license, but had no car. The job I worked at, was barely enough to pay for stuff I simply just wanted. About an hour later, I finally got home and could get dry.

When I got home, I saw a note on the fridge that had been left by my mom. She and dad were going to be working late, they had already dropped my sister off at grandmas. I sighed. This meant I was stuck at home alone for another five hours before anyone got home. I would be having dinner by myself. Again.

There was no problem with this really, but it had been happening more and more. I felt like I barely had dinner with my family anymore and I was about feed up with it. I sensed tension between my parents. Though they didn't argue out loud, it wasn't hard to pick up on it after they actually had. Her sister wasn't tuned into though, too focused on her life away from China.

I tossed my backpack onto the couch and slammed the note into the trash, ripping it up before I did. I opened the fridge and stuffed the leftovers from the night before in the microwave.

I trudged up the stairs to my room and changed, proceeding back downstairs to clean up the water I had dragged in with me. Starting the laundry, turning on the tv, switched it to Netflix. I hit play and started the movie I had started the other night.

The storm only seemed to worsen. When the microwave beeped I nearly jumped out of my skin. I had been so lost in thought that everything else had faded into the background. Nearly everything but a throb in my head that had started hours ago in trigonometry. It had not gone away.

I got up to go get it when a crippling pain washed over me. I cried out in pain and nearly fell to the floor. Gripping the railing hard, I didn't notice that it had started to break till I heard the crack of the wood.

I stared in horror and scrambled away from it, not believing that I had just done that. What was wrong with me? Why did I feel as if I was starting to break from the inside out? That my body wanted to shift into something else. The pain intensified and I couldn't stand anymore. I fell to the ground and curled up into a ball.

" Mom! Dad!" I cried out in vain. I knew they couldn't here me all the way from where the worked. It was an impossibility. The pain driving me mad. I felt it, as tears ran down my face. The pain was nothing like anything I had experienced before and it wasn't like the time I had broken my leg when I was six. Which had healed faster than the doctor had expected.

As my vision began to blur, I thought of only one person that could help me. I didn't know how or why, or if I was just going mad before dying, but I called out for the stranger. Screamed for her help. And as the pain continued to increase, I felt bones starting to break. The only thing louder was the sound of the front door slamming open, letting the sound of the storm in.

And before I passed out I saw through the tears and pain, the very stranger I had asked for. I couldn't keep my eyes open, and I knew I began to drift. Then all was black and my mind went blank.


I heard a loud scream in my head and nearly doubled over in pain. I could feel her pain. But I jumped out of the car and ran despite the pain. I was only a block away from the house, making it there in record time. The storm had only gotten worse and sheets upon sheets of rain had been pouring for hours. It was slippery.

I slammed the door open and saw the young girl lying on the floor between the living room and the kitchen. I barely heard the cracking of her bones above the sound of the storm.

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