Chapter Six

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Days later and we were on our way to Robin. He was two years younger than me at fifteen. He and one other kid would be picked up over the next month, the timeline shifting. But we had to lay low, the moment we reached town, passing a tv store, an image passed on it. My parents had reported me missing.

I pulled my hoodie up higher. Even though in truth I had gone willingly with them.

It was a waiting game, but it could still happen at any time, and despite years passing, who knew how long my parents would look for me. Someone could recognize me if I didn't keep my face and hair covered. I even wore black sunglasses. Curtesy of Cameron. I knew they were not cheap ones either and I internally vowed to do my best to keep them dust free and unbroken.

As Cameron drove, I thought of all the things I had now given up. For a long time now, I wouldn't be able to see my family, or any of my friends. My life as a normal human was over. My life as a Lycan was starting.

I wore a simple grey hoodie, keeping my head down.

But we took precautions anyway as we headed to Texas. We had left earlier than they had planned when they learned his family had just moved to Texas two days before I myself had shifted.

That was a longer drive and we didn't have that many days left till he would shift according to Damara. She said that she could already feel a faint tingle, of a shift looming for Robin. When she had said that, all of a sudden I felt it too. She smiled, as if knowing and went on with what she had been doing, which had been packing.

We crossed into Texas on the third day we had been driving. I felt the tingle strengthen into something more. I gripped the arm of my seat hard. When I looked down, my hands had turned into paws. I took a deep breath and slowed my thoughts and breathing. When I felt calm, I opened my eyes and the paws were gone.

" Will they know too? How is it that they didn't find me?"

I whispered, knowing they both would hear it.

" That night, before dropping all of you off in a safe home, we feed you all a special mix of herbs and other things. Along with tucking a charm that can hid an upcoming first shift from the rouges. Your charm is that bracelet you always have worn. It was a simple way, and though there was still the risk, it was safer than raising ten children on mine and Damara's own time alone."

I mulled what Cameron had said, fiddling with the bracelet around my wrist. I alway had it with me. Where ever I had gone, doing what ever I was doing.

I looked back down at my hands again, making sure they hadn't turned into paws again. They hadn't and I was relieved.

My emotions it seemed, were tied to my shifting. Cameron told me the next day when it first happened and I had freaked out, that this happened a few days after the first shift. It was the adrenaline rush left in my body. It didn't last forever though.

And in the mean time I'd have to watch my emotions and control them. So them taking me with them was risky for more than one reason now.

I was in charge of getting to Robin.

" We are almost there Celeste. You ready?"

Damara said, turning around in the passenger seat in the front. She had changed her clothes, and looked, less country, less herself almost. But just barely.

"Me and you will walk in. Your going to act like my younger sister and I'm trying to get you back into a good school."

I smiled at the back story we had come up with if we needed to use it. Let's just say I wasn't entirely a innocent teen in this story version we had come up with.

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