Chapter 46: In the Dead of The Night

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With all of the guests called and accounted for, everyone gathered in the main hall for the party. Chatting, drinking and laughing about whatever is it that piqued their interest. The majority of the guests were having a splendid time. All except for Mr. Arthur, who stood out like a sore thumb amongst the rich and famous. He has no idea why he was even invited or why he bothered to stay at all. Dejected, the author/eye doctor sat down on the sidelines as he watched the party go on without him. As he expected it to. He sat in silence, observing the other guests when a platter serving three wine glasses appeared beside him.

"Would you care a drink?" Sebastian asks, holding out the platter for him. Arthur smiled and graciously took a glass for himself. "Very much, thanks." He says. His eyes looked up at the Phantomhive butler and was, once again, feeling like an intruder in the manor. The other guests were handsome and beautiful in their own right, but this butler - This man -  was one of ethereal beauty. He has very handsome and had such a commanding presence. Like a character, Oscar Wilde would write. Arthur surmises that the best families would have the best servants as Sebastian takes his leave to tend to the others.

"Pardon me, may I sit next to you?" A young voice asked him.

"Oh, sure, be my-." Arthur began to say, turning to face the owner of the voice when he jumped out from his seat. Nearly spilling his wine and looked like his life was shaved a few years when he saw the earl, Ciel Phantomhive casually sitting next to him. Arthur panicked slightly and tried to regain any dignity he had. "Oh, my Lord! Please excuse me!" He exclaimed.

"I hope the party is to your liking so far." Ciel said. Paying no mind to the man's anxious behaviour.

"Yes, of course." Arthur tells him, clearing his throat and fixing himself up a bit. Composing himself so as not to further embarrass himself in front of his host. Ciel merely gave a small chuckle and gestured to the chair beside him. "Please, Doctor Arthur, there's no need to stand."

"Actually, my Lord, it's only 'Arthur'. I'm just an ophthalmologist, I'm not a surgeon or anything." The man humbly states.

"But it pleases me to address you that way, so why shouldn't I?" Ciel asks as he leans in with a teasing smile. "Would you rather I not, Doctor?"

Arthur felt his face heat up from embarrassment. Not used to having this much attention from a noble. Or anyone in general. "Well, no. I don't mind. Whatever you would like. ...My Lord, do forgive me if I'm being rude, may I ask why you invited me today? I confess I find myself at a loss?"

"Simple, Doctor." Ciel says as he looks up in thought. "I was reading your novel the other day and found it quite enjoyable. The one that appeared in Beeton's Christmas Annual."

Arthur's eyes widened and was pleasantly surprised at Ciel's response. "A minor magazine like Beeton's read by a high-ranking noble like yourself?"

"My customers aren't nobles. It behoves me to read a wide array of publications." The young boy says as he watched over the other guests. His eye fell upon Mei who was helping herself a plat of the food on display. He became a bit uneasy when Grey walked up beside her, attempting to make conversation. However, he quickly relaxed when he reminded himself that Sebastian was stationed at the buffet table and would interfere if necessary. He regained himself with a small laugh and turns back to the Doctor. "Indeed, I even read Punch, but we were speaking of your work. Your protagonist was full of wit, I found him quite appealing."

"Ah, you did?!" Arthur shouted, jumping up from his seat again. Mei turned to the source of the sound and was getting with the man's bright red face. He cleared his throat and turned back to Ciel, returning to their conversation. She was pleasantly surprised to know that he was the same man who wrote that book in Beeton's. He seemed to be a nice person as well as a humble man. It was kinda reassuring to meet another who felt awkward around the higher-ups at these types of events. That being said... Mei glanced toward the other guests at the party and got a sinking feeling. She didn't want to see it, but her eye was tingling underneath her eyepatch. Something bad was going to happen this night. She contemplated warning Ciel about it when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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