Chapter 10:Grim Reaper vs Demon part 1

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It was dark. The only thing that lit up the room was a single candle. Next the the candle, a phonograph was playing "Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen" from Mozart's opera "The Magic Flute." A woman was left sitting a chair, crying and fear filling her to the brim. She could believe this was happening. Being held hostage in her own home. She looked around the room in search for her captor, wondering where he might be. She frantically moved her hands to try and break free. But she couldn't move, for the strong rope kept her restrained on her chair. She couldn't scream out for help, for she was gagged to keep her from letting out a single word. Even if she could scream, she was too scared as she felt that her captor might rush in and kill her on the spot.

That's when she saw him. Out of the corner of her eye, her heart began to beat in a rapid pace. She didn't even hear him enter the room. As the man began to walk closer to her, the woman shut her eyes tightly, silently anticipating for what's going to happen. If he were to kill her, then she prayed he do it quick. Her captor reached out to her and undid her gag, allowing her to breath again. When she finally gained a breath of fresh air, her captor moved in close and whispered, "Shhh." Raising a finger to his lips. He did so calmly and so non-threatening. You would think he wasn't trying to hurt her, but the woman knew better. Clouds rolled in, and come fall the rain.

At Phantomhive Manor, Ciel was still looking through papers upon papers to find anyone that may pose to be a potential suspect in being Jack the Ripper. However, there hadn't been such luck. He's been going at this for a day and a half with no sleep. Even with Sebastian working by his side, they still hadn't found any clues. He leaned in back in his chair and sighed, feeling exhausted. The population of London alone is 4.5 million. And that swells further during the season. By simply relaxation the conditions, the number of suspects increases." Ciel says.

"Still at it, are you?" A voice said, catching the two males' attention. Madam Red appeared in the doorway with a bright smile on her face. "Madam Red." Ciel said. She appeared to be holding something behind her back and looked way too happy. "All work and no play makes Ciel a dull boy! What do you say you take a break for a round of this?" She asked as she pulled out a chessboard box set. Ciel's eye glistened for a brief moment when he saw the game. "The chess set, eh...? That takes me back." Ciel said, soberly. "Doesn't it just? I got it out of the storeroom because Ciel was coming." Madam Red said, happily.

Ciel gazed the chessboard before Turing away. He organised his papers as he responded with, "I have no time for games at the moment. I have to keep working." Madam Red's smile didn't falter. "I thought you might say that, because now I can say this wasn't my idea." She said. Ciel turned back to his aunt with a questionable look. "Oh really? Then whose?" He asked her. Madam Red stepped into the room, reached out from behind the door, and pulled out a very embarrassed Mei Misaki. Ciel let out a small gasp as his eye widened. Madam Red pushes Mei in front of her as she sets the chessboard in her hands. "Mei had come to me asking if there was anyway to help cheer you up because of what happened with the Viscount. When I asked if she knew anything you would like, she told that you were going to teach her how to play chess. But being the adorable girl she is, she asked me if I could go instead." Madam Red told her. So, that explains she happy attitude.

"You aren't going to refuse a request from her, are you dear?" Madam Red asked in a teasing voice. Ciel struggled for an answer as he tried to avoid making eye-contact with Mei. He was getting embarrassed now, why did Mei had to tell his aunt that?! But then again, she was just being concerned for him...right? "Well... I... I, uh... I suppose I could..." He started to say when Madam Red quickly moved in a shoved all the papers Ciel had right off the table in front of him. "Now, break time, break time!" She said, leaving no room for an argument. Mei timidly walked over and placed the box set on the table, then quickly said, "I'll go make tea." Before anyone could stop her, Mei turned and left towards the kitchen.

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