Chapter 30: Tickets to the Circus

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"I've always passed the blame onto other people. My being alone in the palace was father and mother's fault. Mina going away was West's. But the reality was different." Soma said as he walked past the others and up to the stage. Up until now, he had always found a way to blame other people for the loneliness and despair in his life. He found a way to shift the blame...but now he realises that that's not the case. For it is he who was at fault for not taking any responsibility for the 'wrongs' in his life.

"I, who did nothing but complain was sponging off of my parents, truly the one at fault. No one would love such a brat. However," He says as he kneels before Agni's crumpled form. The man was taken aback by his sudden presence. He was sure that his prince...his God would never forgive him. But here he is now. "....However, you remained by this foolish prince's side. And you continued to do so, even after you'd left me. Forgive for making you shoulder such heavy burdens all this time." Soma offered his hand to him and granted him a smile. A smile that was filled with warmth and gentleness. The light within this young man had became even brighter and more pure than before.

"Won't you come back to my side and be my khansama again? Agni?" Soma asked kindly. His God was here with him now. He forgave him and was asking him to return to him. His God...his prince didn't forsake him. Agni cries in pure joy and relief. The guilt in his heart had vanished. The tears of blood had dried up and replaced with tears of humanity. Agni holds Soma's hand firmly, vowing to never leave him alone ever again. "Jo... Aagyaa..." Agni cried as he accepts.

Mei smiled at them but turned her sights on Mina, who was attempting to help Mr. West leave. But she couldn't her...either of them...walk out of here so easily. Gathering a lot of strength Mei took a deep breath and walked towards them before anyone could realise and try to stop her. "I can understand wanting to escape a life of servitude....but what you did still caused pain to someone who had genuinely loved you without thinking twice about it. I'd say you're worse than what the rich had you do." Mei said.

Mina stopped in her tracks as he turned to glare at the young girl. "What does that supposed to mean!? Hurt him!? They used me while they go about their lives living in constant luxury while I had to work myself to the bone! Of course I would escape from that horrid place!" Mina yelled.

"Maybe... But with your true self finally out in the arrogant selfish woman who only cares for herself...I'd say Prince Soma is better off without you." Mei said as she started to walk away. She could tell that Soma genuinely loved and cared for Mina deeply. The whole he was here he thought of nothing but her. He wanted to save her...but he doesn't someone like her in his life. Mei sensed Mina coming behind her in anger. No matter, she got some ammo. "For someone who was there for Soma as a child, for being his sister, I think you failed in teaching what he truly needed to know. But luckily for him, he had grained real friends." Mei said as she reached for three full plates.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! What could a plain little girl like you possibly know anything about me?!" Mina shouted at her, readying to slap the girl who dared to speak to her that way. But then Mei flung three curry plates towards Mina. One splattering her face and the two ruining her clothes. The sudden actions caused to slips and fall to the ground. Once Mina wiped the curry from her face, she looked up and saw Mei standing above her.

"Prince Soma learned a great lesson of humility, maybe you should do the same and rethink the choices you've made in your life." Mei said as she turned around. "Oh. And what you say how the choice of being a servant or a rich man's wife...? I think that's a matter of perspective. A life of a servant is not that bad if you someone who cares for you." With that said, Mei walked away. Leaving Mina and Mr. West behind to clean up the mess.

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