Chapter 7: Jack the Ripper part 2

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"My turn." Madam Red said as she stepped up. She seemed rather confident with herself. "I live for gossip. So this story will make you laugh so hard, you'll simply curl up and die." She said with a smile as Grell looked shocked as she went on with her tale. 'Huh? Why can't I hear anything?' Mei thought.

Before Madam Red opened her mouth, Sebastian had quickly placed earplugs on her as he covered Ciel's ears. Both his master and a lady of her age should not be hearing this. "So Alice's bow gave her the most extraordinary [censored] for her birthday. It was [censored] wide and so [censored] with thick veins running down the sh[censored] [censored]."

*Some time later*

With both Lau's and Madam Red's mouths being taped up, the only ones left to tell some kind of joke to make this maniac laugh are Ciel and Mei. In either case, they're totally screwed. Neither of them have any sense of humour whatsoever. "Now my lord, it looks like you're the only one left. I gave you a special discount last time but I'm not going to do it again."

"Urrgh." Ciel growled. Damn this insufferable man. Undertaker then took a glance behind him and his grin spread wider. "Or," He began. Ciel arched his brow in curiosity. Oh great, what is it now? "You can have that new friend of yours to try." Undertaker said, pointing at Mei. "Me?" The short-haired girl asked. Oh no....Please tell her there was a way to get out of this. "That won't be necessary." Sebastian said, walking up to the funeral director. "Sebastian?" Ciel said, looking up at his butler. Mildly surprised.

"Hmph." Undertaker let out.

Sebastian adjusted his gloves as he told the others. "Everyone, please wait outside." He then turned his head to face them as he said, in a very serious tone, "No matter what happens, do not attempt to listen to this." Before they knew it, they were all standing outside in an awkward silence. Made even more so by how quiet is was inside. Mei was a little confused as to how Sebastian was going to make that weirdo laugh. Is Sebastian even capable of humour

Mei turned to Ciel and asked him, "Are you sure Mr. MichaeIis is able to do it? After all, he's seems a little too serious to-"

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" A loud, boisterous laugh suddenly erupted from inside the parlour. It caused the sign to completely fall off from the building. What the was that? "You were saying?" Ciel told her with a cheeky grin. Mei said nothing more afterwards. The door than opened up to reveal the handsome butler stepping out with a bright smile. "Please do come back in now. I believe he will tell us everything we want to know." He will?! Sebastian held the door open for the others to re-entered and Undertaker was slumped over the counter giggling still, even twitching a bit. "Oh my...heh. I've now seen the face of ultimate bliss."

Mei was curious as to what Sebastian had said to this mad man...but at the same time, she didn't want to know. Yeah...think it's best not knowing. Once Undertaker had let all of his laughter out, he had done the courteous thing and prepared them some tea. Though, while she wasn't sure about the others, Mei only took it to be polite. There was no way she was drinking from a beaker. Who knows where'd this been. Or what he had used them for.

"An interesting pattern I've seen these days. I've often get customers who are incomplete. Heh." Undertaker said, his grin widening a bit.

"Incomplete?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes. The uterus is missing, which is quite, odd." He said as he pulled out an anatomy doll out of nowhere. That little piece of information had left the others speechless. They were aware that the killings, gruesome at best, but they didn't expect . "The killer makes a big mess of the body, but that particular part is always precisely excised."

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