welcome to class A-96

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Jossey's POV

August 15

Class A-96

I dashed down the path to the last class in the hallway and looked in to the class the teacher had already started announcing stuff to the class like introductions and who he was.

"What do I do!? I've never been late before" I thought "How am I supposed to get in without being caught!"

Then I saw my opening, he was writing his name on the board I think.

I quickly tip-toe to my seat to the back of the class. Just two seats away from the window,I took my seat. As I did whispers arose from my new and old classmates.

"Ok class, lets play the who am I game" the teacher said "first we have to move all the desk so we can form a circle in the middle of the class"

The class did as told and formed a circle,as we did J.J entered the class with the principal following but soon left with the teacher to have a "chat" with him. As that went on the class quickly separated into group so they could talk to their best friends,all except me.

I don't have friends. I know J.J is there for me but he probably just thinks of me as a play mate.

I saw everyone laughing and whispering secrets to each other, talking about the latest gossip or the best sport or the newest game that came out this month. I even saw my old friends from Fairy Tail but stay away from their sight so they wouldn't interrogate on why I left again,but just my luck J.J walked over to them and pointed me out even thought I told him a thousand times in the past not to.

Cami and Ashton's jaw dropped to the floor, Ashley stared bug-eyed at me, Silver stopped breathing, Thomas didn't care and Universe. . . .Uni wasn't there.

"JOSLIN"Ashley and Cami shouted as they ran up to me to give me a bone crushing hug.

"H-hey guys"I said struggling for air

"We missed you so much" Cami cried

"We haven't eaten for days" Ashley whined

"D-didn't Uni cook the food" I asked

"Yea but her food was kinda poisonous" Cain said biting her tongue and letting go of me

"And smelly" Ashley commented as she backed away too

"And lumpy"

"And gray"

"And it tried to kill us"

"Wait, do you guys mean oatmeal" I questioned

"Oh,is that what it was"Cami said making a disgusted face

"Ew, no wonder it was so poisonous" Ashley said sticking out her tongue

"But,Oatmeal is good for you" I said a bit shocked

"It tried to KILL US" Ashley waved her arms in the air

"Your just exaggerating Ash" I said with a small smile on my face

"Ah, so the Spartins are back together" Ashton smirked walking over to the girls

"Well we can't say that just yet" Silver said following him

"Yea wheres Universe"Thomas asked with a hint of worry in his voice

"What are you scared your girlfriend is lost" J.J teased

"I don't like her like that" Thomas growled

"But you make soo obvious"J.J laughed

"No I don't"

"Yea you do" everyone in the group agreed,which left Thomas going pale.

"Y-ou guys knew this whole this whole time"  he said with a shaky voice

"Yep"Ashley smiled

"Strangely Universe doesn't have a clue" Cami said in disappointment

"What she doesn't" Thomas said surprised " I asked her out once, how dose she not know"

"Hold up, you did what!?" Silver asked in shock

"Guys focus"I interrupted "Where is she"

"Well you see she-"

"She right there"Ashley said cutting off Cami and pointing her out

"I thought we gonna have another dramatic story line"Cami whined

"Ain't nobody got time for that"Ash said heading in Uni's direction

Universe's POV

I sat by the window, tracing my finger on the gold letters of a book: HOW TO USE RE-QUIP MAGIC read the cover. "The last thing I can remember Jos by"I thought "I might never see her again, she's gone forever"

"Hey Universe" Jossey greeted as if it was any other normal day

My heart skipped a beat

"Who are you" I asked not believing who it was

"Its me Joslin Walker"she said hugging me "Your besti

I pushed her off me "no your not" I glared at her "My Jossey left moths ago"

"So you don't know who I am" Jossey's face softened


"Oh, sorry to bother you then" she walked away slowly and hid herself in the teachers closet.

"What a weirdo"I sighed turning back to my book

"WEIRD!?"Ashley stormed over to my desk enraged

"What I don't know her"

"That WAS Joslin Walker you idiot" She sneered

"Psh,no she left us"I frowned at her

"That's not true she came back!"Cami glared at me

"That's not her, it's just another random person who wants to make us feel better"

I looked back at the closet

J.J had went over there to comfort the crying girl.

"You are blind as a bat, that's are Jossey" Ashley yelled smashing her fist on my desk

Half of the class had turned to see what all the noise was about.

"That's a FAKE"I shouted at her, a tears began streaming down my face "Jossey is NEVER coming back,NEVER"

The Mr.Krock finally finished his conversation with our teacher and they came in with terrible timing.


FAIRY TAIL'S TEEN LIFETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon