Leaving My Life

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The Spartin's home ( mid-night)

I unlocked the front door to my house and slipped in.

Its been two days since I last saw my friends, I bet their all worried about me. Sadly I can't do anything about that or their live will be endangered. I just have to follow my father's orders and they'll live.

This will be the last time I ever come back to this place so I came to get my stuff at a time where no one could stop me or trying and find out was going on.

I snuck up stairs past the others room and into mine. I grabbed all my clothes and stuffed it into the suite case I brought with me along with my armor, swords. I stopped when I saw a picture of my friends and I standing in front of the guild smiling, it was a photo of when we first joined the guild. All of us were showing off our new guild marks.

I started at that for which felt like hours, but were only minutes. I began to cry, how could I be leaving my friends — my real family!! But it was to keep them safe.

After I finished packing, went into each of my friends room and left a note and a present.

For Cami:  here are the new running shoes I was going to give you for Christmas, sorry I can't give it to you in person



For Ashley: here is what I was going to give you for your birthday, I'm very sorry but I might miss it this year.

          Please forgive me,


For Universe: here is a cook book of all your favorite meals (including Mac and Cheeses) And the other book is a HOW TO: Use Re-quip Magic,so you can finally learn how to use my magic! I'll be gone for sometime, all I plead IS that you remember me in your heart and live on!

     Your for ever best friend,


I tip toed out of the bed room hall and down in to the kitchen. I never came back to make them their dinner yesterday so I kind of owe them. I got busy with yesterday's dinner hoping that none of them would wake up. Once I finished, I wrapped it and put it in the fridge. As I headed towards the front door I accidentally knocked over my favorite vase, and just as expected Universe woke up instantly and used speed magic to rush down stairs and used her water magic magic to put me in a water lock.

I was close to suffocating until I cut threw the water with my sword, and fell out coughing.

"Oh my gosh Jossey are you Ok!" She shouted rushing to my side

"Shh, I'm fine" I whisper "don't wake up the others"

"Oh sorry" She whispered back

"I have to go Uni"

"Wait, your just going to walk out on me like that, where have you been we've all been worried sick?"

"I'm going to go back and live with my dad but I won't be around the guild that much anymore"

Universe's face softened

"Are you sure,I mean after all he did to you, you still think it's safe to-"

"I'll be fine"

I got off the floor and walked to the door

"Jossey please don't go, I don't trust him and I know you don't either"

But I didn't hear her because I was already gone, running though the dark streets and ran into the person I really didn't want to see.

J.J, the boy of laughter.


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