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Dear reader,

Ibkready here, sorry guys i might not be able to update this week. I usually update from my phone and it wont charge, so its dead now i have to get a new phone! And because half the time my parents are too busy to help me with stuff, that wont be happening anytime soon. If you are wondering how I'm telling you all this crap, I'm using my computer, and no, I'm never going to attempt to write a story on this thing because you never know if the chapter is posted or not, it makes huge spaces that i cant delete when i push the enter button, and when my house gets a black out, doesn't unlock for DAYS, MONTHS OR MAYBE YEARS!!! ( <---- exaggeration----) So hopefully in two or three weeks i can update.

sorry once again,


p.s if i update tomorrow, i probably wasn't even using my phone

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