flashback 1

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Some where on the edge of Magnolia, there was a small village. The village peace cutting down trees and hunting animals. A family of 5 also lived there, The Walkers. At the time Jossey was only 7 years old with 2 older brothers. Like any other family, they would laugh together eat dinner together and if they were lucky, they would get to meet a wizard passing through the village! Jossey and her oldest brother Ace loved meeting the wizards - especially the one called The Queen of the Fairies; Titania. They loved the way she held a sword or an ax or the way she smite her enemies with one blow! They heard many stories about her, and once saw her kill a giant ape that was terrorizing the village.

"One day I'm gonna be just like Titania" Jossey said as she skipped home with her two brothers

"Why would you ever want to be a filthy wizard" her second older brother David asked

"What do you mean why" Ace smiled "They're amazing and they get good pay!"

"A wizard's guild is a bar for drunkards and stinky lazy people" David detested

"What does smell have to do with being a wizard" Jossey asked

"Never mind" David said opening their front door

"Hi daddy" Jossey smiled as she hugged her father

"Hey pinkie" Mr.Walker greeted her "How was school"

"Good" she smiled

Joslin's brothers greeted their dad and went to the kitchen to do the same with their mom and get snacks.

"How about you actually tell me what happened instead if just good this time"


~ 3 Hours later ~

"And then we ate dinner" Jossey simile as she finished her story

Her family stared in awe of her crazy day

"YOU MET TITANIA" Ace fanboyed

"Yea,she gave me a book called: How to Use Re-quip Magic, with gold lining all over it!" Jossey fangirled " Oh and by the way- her name is Erza"


"More like EW" David sneered "Did you touch her- are you infected with germs- does she smell"

Mrs.Walker instantly slapped him

"Ow what was that for" David pouted

"You know she can't do stuff like that" his mom whisper-yelled at him

"Can't do what" the pink haired girl asked concerned"Well, ya know all those times you tried to smell the flowers or the trees or even the mud" Mr.Walker said awkwardly

"Yea. . ."

"Well. . ."

Ace rolled his eyes as his parents tried to break the bad news to her in the nicest way.

"You don't have a sense of smell Joslin" he said simply "And the doctors say that soon you'll lose your ability to hear"

The table went silent as Ace got up and took his plates from dinner into the kitchen.

"Oh that's it" Jossey said not understand the circumstances of the issue

Her mother and father face palmed while David left with an "im so done" attitude.

Later that night, Jossey and Mr.Walker went for a walk in the woods

"I heard that tonight theres going to be shooting stars out tonight"her father said gazing at the dark sky

"I cant see from down here!"Jossey whined trying to see past the tall trees

"up we go" Mr.Walker grunted picking his daughter up onto his shoulders

Suddenly a bright streak of light flew across the sky, then more!

"Dad look"Jossey pointed up to the night sky

"Its beautiful"

"Dad why is it getting bigger?"

"Thats because- wait what do you mean bigger"


Chunks of earth flew.

Trees were shifted.

And the star opened

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