flashback 5

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I woke up in a hot sweat and frantically looked around the room.The moon shinned through the window, barely lighting up the room to see. I heard crying from another side of the room, there a brown haired girl shivered in fear and was horribly abused on a bed in chains. I got up to comfort the girl, but i too was wearing chains and they only let me go a certain distance to the bed.

"Hey" I called to her " are you ok"

"Universe" The girl looked up and jumped from her bed and ran to me but the chains held her a few feet back away from me

"Jossey?"her eyes were filled with tears and there were cuts on her face, her arms and legs were covered in dried blood and it looked like she could barely stand! And just as i thought, she fell to her knees.

"Universe im sorry" She cried "I didn't mean to hurt you"

"Hurt me?" I reached up and touched my face but quickly pulled back because of the sting and made a hissing noise

I heard her begin to sob again

" Don't cry its ok I can heal myself" I closed my eyes and let out a breath of air "See all better"

She looked up but continued to cry, I touched my face, it stung her punch. I tried again and again and again.

"What the-" I growled

Then it hit me- I touched my neck "He chained my neck!?"

I pulled and tugged on the large cuff around my neck but it was no use

"I-I cant use my powers" I was shocked "How did he know - RED EYES!!!"

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