Flash back 2

10 1 0


I felt nothing but cold dirt on my face ,I got off the ground and felt a strong stinging in my head. Everything looked like it was spinning, but i brushed it off a started to look for my dad. The search didn't take long since he was lying right next to me.

"Dad" I shook him "Dad wake up" he didn't budge

I began to panic "Dad please wake up"

"Was he dead" I thought " No he cant be dead! Maybe he just got knocked out" I backed away from my dad's lifeless body.

"Yep- hes just knocked out and he just needs some space to breathe"

I looked over towards the giant rock that hit us, it had been open and there was a figure or something under it. . . . a person? Yes it was, a boy!

I dizzily dashed over to see if he was ok or atleast awake.

The boy groaned in pain" Where am I"

"Your in a Mongolian village" I said helping him to his feet

"So. . .Earth?"


I gazed in to his violet eyes and mumbled violet unknowingly

"what" he said

"Nothing" I jumped coming back to reality

"Sooooo. . . ." he said awkwardly " your name?"

"Violet - I mean Joslin - Joslin Walker" I stammered a bit " but you can call me Jossey"

"ok Jossey" he smiled "I'm Universe"

" That's a bit weird to call your son uni-"

" SON!?" he snapped " IM A GIRL!"

"Oh sorry" Jossey rubbed her eyes " I'm still a bit dizzy from the star"

Universe placed her hands on my eyes and mumbled something

"Uhh what are you doing"

She removed her hands from my face "fixing you"

I blinked a couple of times then my vision was clear! "How did you do that!"

"Back at home i studied a lots of books on healing"


"No prob- OH MY, WHO IS THAT!?" she screamed racing over to my father who was still "alive" but knocked out

I flipped him over. His pale dead blue eyed face looked up at us.

"So he really is dead" I mumbled

"No hes not" Universe bent down took off his shirt and placed a hand on his bare chest " His soul is still there"

" Can you bring him back"

"I'll try"

She then pressed her hand harder on his chest and breathed out.

"Did it work" i asked impatiently

"Hold on" she grunted and pressed harder leaving a wound on his chest, instantly a burst of power came from her hand. . . . .no way

"magic energy" I thought in awe

My dad began to cough and his eyes shot open

They were red


He looked around "Where am I"

I pulled my dad into a tight embrace "Your alive"

" Why wouldn't I be"

"I hope your done with this whole family reunion thing cause need to get home" Uni said rolling her eyes

We helped Dad to his feet

" Before you do that" Dad cringed " Can you help us get home'


FAIRY TAIL'S TEEN LIFEWhere stories live. Discover now