It's a secret

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Dear reader,

Ibkready here, I just went through all my stories and read them again and realized what a TERRIBLE speller I am( didn't think it would be that bad) So if u see me mess up correct me!! Anyways enjoy the story!



On the way home

"I can't believe both of you tied for first place" Ashton said putting his arms behind his head

"I can't believe you and Ashley ki- OW" Silver cried

Cami elbowed him in the arm and pulled him over behind a tree

"Where you guys going" Ashley questioned

"We''ll be right back, just wait for a second"Cami responded


"What the heck was that for!" Silver complained

"You idiot we could use their secret as an advantage!" I glared at him

"What are you talking about?"He asked

"We both saw them kiss in front of the guild so that must mean their dating and they want to keep it a secret, also I overheard them talking about going out some where this Friday" I explained

"So. . ." He said dumbfounded

"We can blackmail them you idiot!" I said annoyed

"But how are we supposed to do that?"

"Just follow my lead"


"They are taking forever!!"Ashton complained

"It's only been five minutes!" Ashley said rolling her eyes

"Well five minutes is too long" Ashton whined

"Your such a baby" She frowned

"Shut up" He said folding his arms

"Sorry if we took too long" Cami said jogging back with Silver following behind

"Finally we can go" Ashton said sounding relieved

"I can't wait until we get back!" Cami cheered "we get to pick up my large trophy!"

"We tied remember" Silver said destroying Cami's happiness

"Then who keeps the trophy" Ashley asked

"We''ll just leave it at the guild" Silver responded

"But we just left the guild"Ashton whined again

"You don't have come"Silver said awkwardly

"Anyways, Ash are you doing anything this Friday" Cami asked poking Ashley's face

"Yea, I'm going to go meet a friend!" A broad smile came on Ashley's face knowing who she'd be spending her day with

"Who" Cami asked eagerly

"Ashton" Ashley said simply

"That was supposed to be a secret Ash!" Ashton wailed

"Like a date?" Cami smirked

The smile on Ashley's face disappeared and a hot red came in

"Wha- what, no were just hanging out"

"Let me guess, romantic walk in the park with ice cream" Silver laughed at the blush on his friends' faces

"How did you find out!?" Ashton said a bit appalled

"Lets just say we have our ways" Cami smiled

"What do you say Camille should we tell the whole guild" Silver asked

"I think we would tell the whole guild including Mira" She responded

"Please don't tell the guild" Ashley begged

"They will take it the wrong way and think we're dating"Ashton commented

"Nah, it's not good to keep secret from guild mates" Cami snickered

"Pleeeeaaasssseee"Ashley begged again and again

"Okay" Silver started

"YES" Ashton cheered

"On one condition" Silver finished

"I get to pick out what you wear" Cami said poking Ashley's face again

"And your not allowed to see her until Friday night"Silver said turning toward Ashton

"Fine, but it better not be something frilly and girly" Ashley said folding her arms

"Oh it will be" Cami smiled


WORST ENDING EVER I KNOW!!! Its like mid-night and I don't want my parents to kill me! I've been dodging them all night so I had to end it like that, sorry! And since it is around STAAR testing in Texas I might start posing late so bear with me from now on.



So. . . I think that's about it! BYE


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