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Ashley's POV

Calose High school, Main hallways

August 15

After a three year lecture from out teacher, Mr.Neelon, the bell rang and we were on our way to lunch. And just like every year, we were racing for the best seats in the cafeteria since it was the first day of school. MY friends were way in the lead though and some how, I was in last place! By the time I got there everyone had sat down and not one single seat was left! I went through the lunch line in hopes that after my friends would see me and call my name. They didn't even see me, so I wondered around the cafeteria until I came to the center of it and there,an empty seat right next to Jossey and Universe who were surprisingly talking! After what happened in class I didn't expect them to talk to each other at all.

I took my seat.

"Ashley finally showed up" said Jossey

"Gurl where have you been" Cami asked

"I got lost"

"How do you get lost in a cafeteria" Universe said skeptically

"Long story short, NEVER come in last"

"Okay then" Uni shrugged

"So the guys aren't sitting with us this year" I asked

"NOPE"  all my friends shouted

"Why not"I pouted

"Loud" uni commented

"Messy" Jossey said

"Always get us in trouble" Cami growled

"And we don't need any lovely dovey businesses between you and Ashton" they said in unity

"Where not in love" I glared blushing

"But didn't you go on a date with him" Uni laughed

"It wasn't a date and how did you even find out"

She pointed to Camille

"I thought you said you wouldn't say anything!"

"Whoops"She laughed

"I hate you guys right now" I frowned eating a block of ice

Even though the whole group laughed at me, I couldn't stay mad at them. The Spartins where finally complete, 100%, family again! But we still have to figure out why Jossey left and what she is protecting us from.

Ashton's POV

"You did a good thing J.J" I congratulated him "For once you did something that didn't get us in trouble"

"It was?" J.J smiled bouncing in his cafeteria chair

"Yep" Silver confirmed "I'm still waiting for that terrible thing to happen"

Suddenly,I heard an explosion near the roof of the school, and the lights went out. Blood curling screams were heard from everywhere in the cafeteria.

"J.J WHAT DID YOU DO" I yelled at him

"Well I didn't want today to be boring so I set a time bomb on the generator of the school and I set in for lunch time so that we could all play hide and seek in the dark" J.J laughed

"STUPID" Thomas shouted smacking J.J at the back of the head with his lunch tray

"WAIT no guys this is a good thing" Silver cheered "because the lights are out they will have to fix it, and we won't have to come to school!"

"YES"the rest of they GUYS at their table cheered

The screams where still loud in the cafeteria, but there was one from the center of the room that was crying the loudest. And it sounds so familiar too. . . . .

"OH SHOOT ASHLEY" I shouted bouncing out of my seat

I ran completely clueless of where I was going, but lucky for me I was heading in the right direction. I found out when I ran into their table.

"Hurry up and find you pen Uni" I heard Cami whined "Ashley's crying and screaming are making my ears bleed!"

"Its gonna be okay Ash were right here" I heard Jossey trying to comfort Ashley

I felt a round object on the floor and clicked the top of it, it was her pen!

"Here's the pen!" I said and handed it to Universe

"Ashton?" She asked taking the pen"When you get here"

"I just came to make sure Ash was ok"

"Aww that's so cute" She cood

A bright light appeared on the table.

Uni had written the word candle and wrote fire on top of it. Ashely was crying on Jossey's shoulder.

"It w-was so dark" She was shaking in fear

"Its ok there's light" Jossey said turning Ashley's face to the candle

And then she saw me and screamed once again falling out of her seat.

"W-What are you doing her"She frowned

"I came to check on you" I said taking a seat at the table

"Well I'm fine you can go back now"She said folding her arms

"I feel like staying here"

"Whhhyyyy" she whined

"Cause I want to"

"Nooo go away"

"Don't be so mean Ash" Jossey said

"Yea, your lover came to check on you so at least thank him with a kiss" Cami teased

"NO WAY" Ashley yelled with a mad blush on her cheeks

I could only laugh at her expression,it gave me a warm feeling inside; an unexplained feel that only she could give me.


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