The Carnival

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Dear reader,

Ibkready here, hope you guys had a great holidays cause I didnt!! I was stuck in the kitchen cooking the food and then got sick afterwards and never got to eat any of it! So I'm writing this story to you sick in bed. Anyways enjoy the story!!






Tonight is my favorite part of the year!!

The laughter of children running across the beach filled the air, the lights of the fairies wheel lit up the night sky! It's was the 16th annual carnival!

"Tonight is the night girls!!" I said with glee

"Lemme guess" Universe  teased "Your going to ride the death drop and not back out"

"Yes! And this time I'm doing it alone!"

Ashley spat out her drink and burst out laughing

"What so funny?" I glare at her

"You- ride-alone ? You must be joking"She continued to laugh

"Oh shut up Ash at least she is facing her fear" Jossey said patting my head

"Fear? I'm not afraid of this ride" I say making a heroic pose

I look back at my friends now Universe and Jossey were laughing

"Remember last year when she said the same thing and started crying when she was in line to ride it" Ashley said laughing

"Fine I won't ride it this year"

"What are we supposed to do now, I was looking forward to see Cami throw up" Ashley laughed

"I hear they are holding a race on the beach side from here to the guild" Universe suggest

"You had me at race, lets GO!!" I shouted

"Wait the guild is pretty far from here" Jossey said a bit worried

But I didn't know she said that cause I was already gone



"Wow a lot of people came to this race " J.J said looking around the crowd

"Yea, a lot of people came to lose" I boasted

"Like I would lose to you"

The girl's voice rang in my ear, I gritted my teeth

"What are you doing here, I thought this was a men's race only" I growled

"Now I want to be in this race even knowing that I'll beat a whole bunch of guys" Cami sneered and turned to the starting line

"Let's make a bet" I said

Cami slightly turned her head to look at me "I'm listening"

"The winner gets to be called the fastest teen in the guild for eternity"

"And the loser"

"Never gets to run again"

She gasped at the cost if she lost, then smirked and stuck out a hand. I looked at in confusion.

"Shake my hand to make it official, or do you already know your going to lose"

"I don't care if this is a fair game or not cause a loser like you would definitely need to cheat" I said shaking her hand

"RACERS TO THE STARTING LINE" The referee shouted

The crowd of people then began to line up at the start. I looked over at the stands to see our friends cheering,laughing and placing bet on us, except for Ashley and Ashton, they went even there

"RACERS ON YOUR MARK" the referee shouted

I looked over at Cami and she looked the was ready to murder.


I looked straight ahead

BAANG the gun shot rang

And ran

OMG I'm posting on time!!YAY!! I hope you guys enjoyed the story!

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