Jack Drifter #8102

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"Any signs of Jossey  or Wendy" Uni 

"No but we found her brothers" Silver said

Universe smiled a bit and gave them a quick hug then healed their scars and cuts with a snap of her fingers

"Wheres Mrs.Walker" She asked cheerfully

"We'll tell you later" David said avoiding the look in her eyes

"Whoa Uni" Ashley looked at her eyes


" Your eyes changed color" Thomas said as Uni's turned back to purple

"Then were close" Uni's eyes turned bright pink with excitement "And I can contact my parents"

"Come on lets go" J.J said running in to the woods

The nine of them raced into the woods following the broken branches and trees until they came to the center of the woods. Jossey and Wendy laid unconscious next to a tree that was near a crater. The group raced over to Jossey and Wendy's side but Uni went down the giant hole and Thomas followed.

"Jossey- thank GOD" Ace smiled as he reached out a hand towards her

" Wendy" Cami said as  Ashton tried to wake her up

"D0N'7 70UCH H3R"  A voice boomed from the tree tops causing them to jump back

Jossey's father jumped from the top of the tree and landed in front of Jossey's body, Blood streamed from his eyes as he picked up Wendy.

"You can have this one though" he tossed Wendy's body to Ace "Jossey is going to me my new body  since this one is getting old and boring to torture"

"What do you mean new body" Ashley asked

"Ask your friend he should know" He pointed to Silver

" Silver.  . . . did you do this to him" Cami asked

" NO" Silver said taken back " You heard Jossey's story I wasn't even there"

" So your going to lie to your friends now Silver"

"IM NOT"Silver glared at him

"Stop trying to get us to turn against  ourselves" J.J frowned

"Come on David"Ace said turning around "We don't wanna be in the way"

"Don't let Jossey die" David said firmly

". .. .  .anyways" Jossey's dad said

"Can we just kill him already "Ashton said rolling his eyes

" But you cant kill a spirit" He said

John then let out a blood curling cry as a red shadow cam from out of his mouth, the group quickly got in to battle positions. Suddenly, a bright light shinned from the crater and the shadow was instantly sucked in.

"UNI WHAT DID YOU DO" Thomas yelled at her

"I KNOW WHAT I DID SO SHUT UP" Universe glared at him

The meteoroid opened and the spirit was sucked it in then slammed shut.

Silver, Ashton and J.J slid down the sides of the giant hole and examined the rock.

" What the hell was that" Ashton asked

"Well you see this is-"

"OH COOL ITS A SPACESHIP" J.J smiled as he pointed to a label after brushing off some dirt cutting off Uni

It read:

SHIP#               JACK DRIFTER


"How'd it take the spirit then" Thomas asked

"Well if you payed attention to what i was doing instead of hitting on me in a critical situation" Universe glared at him

"On this side of the ship"Uni pressed a button and a panel full of buttons with labels on it slid out of the ship "i saw a button-"

"BUTTONS!!!!!" J.J shouted as he ran over to push them all but Ashton held him back


Jossey's eyes fluttered open and began to remember what happened. She quickly sat up and looked around. Jossey was surrounded by her friends, but she was still able to so see her dads limb body. The mage crawled over to him and watched as his eyes turned from red to bright blue, she looked up at Uni's whose eyes were dark blue with sadness.

"His soul Jossey" Uni sighed " Its gone"


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