Hazel's Cold

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*There is a minor Trials of Apollo: The Tyrants Tomb spoiler in here.*

Synopsis: The seven and Nico freak out and become over protective when Hazel reveals she has a small cold.  Some cute fluff to start this book off. 

All Hazel did was say she had a little cold.  Sure, it was kind of awful, her nose ran, her throat itched, and she couldn't stop sneezing, but it was just a cold.  

Frank didn't seem to think so.  Hazel Iris messaged Frank.  When Hazel told him she would need the day off of Praetor duties because she wasn't feeling well, Frank went a little bit nuts.  

"You're not feeling well?!  What's wrong?  What hurts?  What can I do?"  He rambled over the message.  

Hazel laughed.  "I'm alright Frank, it's just a-"

"Don't worry!  I'm going to call Nico right now."  He interrupted her.  "I gotta go, hang tight!"  He swiped through the message.

"Wait!  Frank, it's just a-"  Hazel cut off.  Well, she supposed a visit from her brother wouldn't be the worst thing.  

Except it wasn't just a visit from her brother.  Hazel was curled up in bed in her pajamas watching The Great British Baking Show, when her door burst open.  Frank, Nico, Will, Annabeth, Piper, Percy, and Leo looked at her with worried eyes and started to shower her with assurance.  

"Hazel!  We're here!"

"Don't worry sweetie, we'll take care of you."

"Where does it hurt honey?" 

"I brought Will!  He's a doctor!  Will, for Hades's sake, do something."

"Oh Gods, she looks pale.  Let's get some of my mom's soup in her."

"How are you feeling mi amiga?"

Hazel was overwhelmed.  All her friends sat on the bed now, feeling her forehead and fluffing her pillows.  

Percy had a bowl in his hand covered in plastic wrap, which Hazel could only assume was Sally's famous soup. 

Piper had a look of pure determination on her face, as if she was going into battle.  She plopped a thermometer into Hazel's mouth.  

Annabeth gave her a water bottle and told her she had to hydrate, and gave her a small kiss on the cheek as she wrapped a fluffy blanket around her shoulders.  

Nico looked like he was going to pass out, shaking Will's arm and demanding him to fix her.  Will just rolled his eyes and shook his head, handing Hazel some Tylenol and Motrin to take with her water.

Leo gave her a wink and put some kind of humidifier device on her nightstand.  

Frank turned into a bulldog and layed down in Hazel's lap, giving her small licks on the hand.  

"Guys, it's okay, I just have a cold."  Hazel assured them.  "I haven't thrown up or anything, my head hurts a little, but that's nothing a little meds can't fix.  And I don't have a fever.  I'll be fine."

The others looked at her and blinked, but then went straight back to their fussing.  

"Percy, warm up that soup!  She needs something to eat!"

"Oh my Gods, the fever might be making her delirious.  I'll get a cool cloth."

"William Andrew Solace, if you don't fix my baby sister right now, I won't come to the infirmary for the rest of my life."

"Maybe we should call Reyna, she'll kill us if she finds out Hazel is sick and we didn't tell her."

"Something is wrong with this thermometer, it's saying her temperature is normal!  Gods Hazel, what century is this thing from?"

"What is she watching?  Does New Rome not have Disney movies?  Those are total sick day movies!"

"Somebody grab her some more tissues!"

Hazel rolled her eyes, but smiled.  She was so thankful to have such a loving family, even when they went crazy.

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