Lost in the Rain

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Synopsis: Annabeth has to walk home from school in the rain and gets lost and cold.  Luckily, she's an honorary member of the Jackson-Blofis household.

Annabeth didn't plan on walking home in the rain, but her architecture meeting ran way too long, and now she was lost.  

Annabeth Chase did not get lost.  

Of course, the universe had other plans.  

She was very unprepared, as the weather forecast said nothing of rain, and she was just having the worst day.  

Annabeth walked along the dark sidewalks of New York City, trying to gain her bearings through her soaked sweater.  She knew it was dangerous to be out alone so late, especially for a demigod.  

Through the rain, she saw a familiar pizza place that her boyfriend, Percy Jackson, always ordered from.  

Oh Gods, I'm close to his apartment.  

Annabeth was a proud woman.  She didn't like asking for help, but she was freezing, and she knew she'd probably get even more lost, or worse, if she stayed out here.  

So Annabeth swallowed her pride, pulled on her sweater strings, and ran along the familiar path to the Jackson-Blofis home.  

She didn't want to be intrusive.  Gods what was she doing?  She'd show sopping wet and shivering, the Jacksons probably had way more important things to worry about than her.  

But before she could change her mind, she found herself in front of their apartment building.  The thought of being warm and dry urged her to press the button that would put her through to the Jacksons.  

"Hello?"  It was Sally's voice on the end of the speaker.  

I shouldn't be doing this.  I don't live here.  Gods I shouldn't.  

Her intense teeth chattering brought her out of her mind.  

"Is someone there?"  Sally asked again.  

Annabeth didn't hold back this time.  She plucked up her courage.  

"Umm, hi Mrs. Blofis."  Annabeth's voice shook from the cold.  "I-Its me, Annabeth."

"Oh my God, Annabeth!"  Sally scolded in her usual motherly tone.  "What in the world are you doing out this late?  And in the rain?  Come inside, dear!  You must be freezing."

Before Annabeth could respond, Sally left the speaker and the door buzzed open.  

The journey up the elevator was a blur to Annabeth, all she did was tremble the whole way up.  She walked down the hall to a familiar blue door that always filled her with warmth.  She knocked softly, but that was all it took.  

Sally opened the door and dragged her inside.  Immediately, Annabeth was hit with the smell of cookies and books, the best smells in Annabeth's opinion.  Sally frantically started drying her off with towels and scolded her.  

"Annabeth!  For God's sake dear, you need to be more careful!  It's late!  You're all wet.  You poor thing."  Sally took a towel and dried off Annabeth’s hair.  "Goodness me.  You're shaking like a leaf!  I've got some nice dry clothes you can change into.  Paul!  For goodness sake, get this poor girl a hot chocolate!  Percy!  You're girlfriends here!"

With that, Annabeth had the whole family crowding around her.  Sally shoved her into the bathroom to change.  Paul made her hot chocolate.  When she came out of the bathroom, Percy threw a fuzzy blue blanket around her and pressed himself close to keep her warm.  Through all this, Annabeth was speechless.  She did not know what to say.  

"Here you are, Annabeth."  Paul handed her a steaming mug with a warm cookie, blue of course.  

"T-Thank you."  Annabeth's eyes welled up with tears, though she did not know why.  She was having such an awful day, but Percy's family always treated her so kindly.  

"Oh dear, are you hurt, Annabeth?  Why are you crying?"  Sally asked her.  

Annabeth didn't even realize she was crying, she sniffed and wiped her eyes.  

"I-Im sorry."  Annabeth folded her hands around the warm mug.  "I had the worst day today.  Stupid kids at school making fun of my dyslexia, my meeting ran late, then I got caught in the rain and I'm probably sick now- Gods I'm so sorry I barged in on you guys like this.  I-I kind of got lost." 

"Don't be sorry, Wisegirl." Percy rubbed her back.  "You can always come here!  This is your home too ya know."

"That's right."  Paul agreed.  "This is a safe place, you are always welcome with us."

Annabeth looked around at her boyfriend's family, all sitting around her with warm, concerned eyes.  Well, she supposed this was her family now too.  

As the storm blew on outside, Annabeth was cozy and warm, snuggled in a blanket next to her boyfriend, with Paul and Sally hugging them on either side.  They put on her favorite movie, Harry Potter.  Together, they waited out the storm with lots of hot chocolate, blue cookies, and love.

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