Owl House

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In celebration of the first episode of season 2 of The Owl House airing today on Disney Channel, I have incorporated some funny dialogue from season 1 with the riordanverse characters.  If you don't watch The Owl House, don't worry, this should still be fun.  For my fellow Owl House fans, this is for you, and if you have any funny moments from the show that I missed that would be funny with these characters, let me know in the commentsEnjoy 😄


Sally: leaving her children for the day.  Annabeth, don't spend all day reading. 

Annabeth: I forge my own path!

Sally: Nico, don't spend all day planning revenge. 

Nico: That slimy faced heathen will know my wrath.  
The seven: getting ready for a moonlight conjuring.

Hazel: We should use something meaningful, something beautiful.

Leo: Like this strangely buff little man?!

Action Figure: I'm half Beef, half Bob!

Percy: He's perfect!
Skeletons about to kill Will.  

Nico: Baby boy 🥺

Skeleton: Roars

Monster: Making friends, taking friends, never be, without my friends. 

Annabeth: You fiend!

Monster: …

Annabeth: You can't rhyme friends with friends!
Will: And here we have the Ghost King of Darkness facing off his mortal enemy, the ducky sock

Nico: rips sock and steps on it.  You shall burn!
Nico: Demons like me are grim tricksters of the twilight.  Creatures of sulfur and bone!  Our only weaknesses are purified water, and passive aggressive comments, sometimes.  

Will: Aww you guys are sensitive.

Nico: Even demons have inner demons
Will: Puts bandage on Nico, and then himself.  Look, now we're boo boo buddies!

Nico: Oh my gosh I love you so much
Reyna: There's only one thing to do when friends can't see eye to eye 

Hazel: Hug each other till we pass out?
Nico: What if she gets hurt?  What if the other kids are mean to her?  My parental instincts are freaking out man!

Will: It's Hazel's first day of modern High School.  She's not going to play on the playground.  
Comedy hour with Percy and Leo

Leo: Oh dear, I've gotten a tube stuck on my nose.  Will I ever eat again?  Looks like...I'm toast

Annabeth: It just goes on like this for an hour

Percy: Heya Doughboy, quit loafing around!

Leo: Why don't you...bake me?
Percy: pokes his head out of Cabin 3
Good morning, terrifying fantasy world!

Dionysus: Good morning, Peter Johnson 

Percy: ...
Percy: Oh, Annabeth.  Have I told you how rad your eyes look today?

Annabeth: Whatever it is, no.
Reyna: Heya friends!

Frank and Hazel: sad faces

Reyna: Wait, what's wrong?  Who hurt my babies?

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