Lean On Me

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Synopsis: Reyna gets some bad anxiety when she starts to feel extremely stressed and overwhelmed.  Annabeth comforts her.  This takes place only a few weeks after Blood of Olympus. 

(Trigger warning: Descriptions of anxiety)

Being Praetor of New Rome was something Reyna took extremely seriously and was very proud of.  It wasn't always easy, but she made it work.  This week, however, was starting to take its toll on her.  

Paperwork was piling up triple the amount it usually does this week, due to issues with some of the nature spirits, re-building some of the city after an evil spirit possessed Leo Valdez to fire upon it, rebellion from the few stragglers that still wished to follow Octavian's ways, and on top of that she had a new praetor to train.  Frank was a fast learner, but no one can learn how to run Camp Jupiter overnight.  

Usually, Reyna is able to juggle multiple things. As a praetor, that's normal.  But this week?  This week has been exhausting, juggling multiple things pretty much every day.  It was Friday now, and Reyna had hardly gotten any sleep all week.  

However, when her dear friend Annabeth asked if she'd like to go for a hot chocolate while she was in town visiting her dad, Reyna could not refuse her.  She doesn't see her friend as much now that the war has ended, so she would take any chance to visit her.  

Annabeth met her at Reyna's favorite Cafe in New Rome, they had the best hot chocolate.  The two girls sat at a table outside the cafe.  They talked for a long while, catching up on their lives after the war.  

The longer Reyna sat there talking with Annabeth, the more she could feel her many nights of no sleep catching up to her.  Annabeth's words started to sound all blurred together.  The table looked like a nice place to rest her head for just a few minutes…

"So, what do you think?"  Annabeth looked at her curiously.  

Reyna shook her head and blinked.  "I'm sorry, Annabeth.  What were you saying?"

Annabeth reached her hand out across the table and grabbed Reyna's hand.  

"Hey, are you doing alright?  I know it must be hard right now, leading camp so soon after the war.  Have you rested at all since then?"  Annabeth asked, her voice full of concern. 

Of course, this is Annabeth.  She can read a person like a book just by looking at them.  

Reyna didn't know how to answer.  She doesn't usually talk about her problems to people.  

Suddenly, she felt all the weight on her shoulders come crashing down on her.  The anxiety in her stomach churned, and her hands kept sweating.  Annabeth was looking at her with such kind, understanding eyes, Reyna might have almost cried.  Tears welled up in her eyes.

Come on Reyna.  Quit getting upset over such stupid things.  It's just work.  What's wrong with you?

Reyna's shoulders shook.  She tried to keep the anxious thoughts away.  

"I-It's fine.  I'm just a little overworked, nothing I can't handle."

It was getting harder and harder not to put her head on the table and sleep, or cry, one of the two.  

"Reyna, it's okay."  Annabeth squeezed Reyna's hand.  "Why don't we go watch a movie in your villa instead?  We can take our hot chocolates, and you can relax a little.  I think you could use it."

Reyna wanted to say no, but she really didn't.  

Annabeth gave her a small smile.  "Come on, you promised me two hours, and now we have an hour and a half left."  

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