Stories of the Big Three Cabins

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Synopsis: Stories of the big three cabins.  i.e: Percy is the best big brother, Thalia needs a vacation, and Nico is tired.

The summer before Percy and Annabeth went off to college was definitely the most peaceful, but also the most hectic, of any summer at Camp Half-Blood.  

The "Camp Cats" as they were dubbed, loved to wander camp and keep the demigods company.  Pretty much every cabin had their own rescue cat now since Percy and Annabeth started the trend.  

However, the camp cats weren't the only new thing at camp this year.  Throughout the year and through the summer, the big three cabins started to fill up again since the big three pact was shut down.  

For the first time in all of camp history, Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades cabin all had Counselors at camp at the same time.  Percy, Thalia, and Nico, took the job of training young big three kids as seriously as they could.  

Yes, Percy, Thalia, and Nico were all thrilled to learn that they now had Godly brothers and sisters.  Of course they didn't have as many as the other cabins, but they took what they could get.  

Percy was the first to gain new siblings.  Poseidon wasted no time at all claiming them.  Of course, Percy was thrilled to receive three new sisters.  

Lita, an eight year old girl who had lived on a small island in the Philippines, was the first of the new big three kids to be claimed.  It took a long time for Lita to trust anybody, but she got to know her big brother, and soon enough, those two were crashing waves down on capture the flag together, literally.  Especially when Lita showed skill with a trident. 

Sandy was a ten year old from California, and she loved to surf.  She was a bit of a wild child, and kind of a bad influence on Lita, but it was nothing Percy couldn't handle, right?

Pearl was only six years old.  She had no idea who her mother was and why her voice held such power, but she'd figure that out when she's older.  Pearl became the joy of the Poseidon cabin, always smiling, always wanting Annabeth to carry her.  

Percy spent every day with his little sisters, teaching them about the sea, how to control their powers, and of course, how to make blue cookies.  When Percy took "The Girls" as he calls them, to his parents house for the first time, Sally became an instant mom for the girls and now they demand visits to her and little Estelle every single week.  

Of course, when Poseidon brought baby Theo into their lives, well, that was a whole different level of cabin 3 adorableness.  Let's just say Percy insisted on carrying him around in a baby carrier on his chest.  That's when he earned his "Camp Dad" nickname.  

Percy's sisters, overtime, became insanely protective over their big brother.  Big brothers can be scary, but three little sisters who can control tidal waves are even scarier. 

While cabin three was forming their little fam, Thalia got surprises of her own.  Thalia had quit the hunters that year with Reyna, and they were staying at camp for the summer.  

Becoming a big sister again wasn't something Thalia expected to be, but she embraced it nonetheless.  To the surprise of all, Zeus claimed two young boys as his own in the span of a few weeks.  Thalia wondered how Hera took that, but she thinks that because Zeus was angry with Hera about what happened with the seven, that she let it go.  

Having two little brothers to take care of was a big change from the hunters of Artemis, especially sons of Zeus.  Lets just say, they were very different from Jason.  Luckily, from being Lieutenant, Thalia had a lot of patience.  

Overtime, Thalia's brothers, Zach and Logan, came to respect their big sister.  They weren't as touchy-feely of a family as cabin three, but when they were together, it was a wild time.  

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