Magnus and Annabeth

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Some fluffy Magnus and Annabeth cousin headcanons because there aren't enough of them in our lives

-Annabeth visits the Chase Space kids on her free weekends and every kid has to take turns giving her hugs

-Whenever Magnus and Annabeth visit each other they hug each other for a super long time and don't let go like they haven't seen each other in months.  Their friends don't tease them.  

-Whenever Annabeth wants to visit the Chase Space Magnus goes nuts trying to clean everything and make everything perfect.  His friends are like, "Dude chill out it's just Annabeth" and Magnus just goes on a rant saying how much he respects her and needs everything to be perfect.  

-Annabeth is super affectionate to Magnus and gives him cheek and forehead kisses

-Annabeth becomes fluent in sign language after visiting the Chase Space so often.  Which ends up coming in handy because one of her and Percy's future daughters ends up being born deaf.  

-one Christmas, Annabeth gives Magnus a photo album of his baby pictures and a bunch of his mom's pictures she found in the attic of her grandparents house.  Some of the pictures even show that their parents took some baby pictures of them both together before the sibling rivalry.  Magnus cries.  

-Annabeth started to refer to Natalie Chase as her "Aunty Nat" and Magnus knew that if his mom was alive she would adore the nickname.  

-Annabeth's first kids with Percy are twin girls and one of the twins has blonde hair like Annabeth, with green eyes like Percy's.  Magnus's mom had blonde hair and green eyes so when the Chase Space gang meets her they call her "little Nat" as a joke.  And then Annabeth tells them all seriously that they are right, her name is Natalie Sophia Jackson.  Magnus cries and holds her for a good half an hour.    

-Magnus and Annabeth like to sit quietly by the river in Boston and read together under a tree.

-Magnus gets sick one week and Annabeth hears about it, so she goes all the way to Boston during a school week to take care of him.  Magnus insists that he has plenty of people to look after him, but Annabeth is one of those mother hens that gets super protective of their loved ones when they're sick and practically growls at anyone else who tries to come near him.  

-Annabeth and Alex team up to tease Magnus alot.  

-Annabeth and Samirah being total nerds at the dinner table and everyone else is just like, "What the heck are they talking about?"

-Annabeth and Magnus both being cat people while their significant others are dog people.  So both households have a cat and a dog.  

-Annabeth being a Harry Potter nerd and forcing Magnus to take the quiz for his house, wand, and patronus after they binge watch all eight movies and shoving the books in his face.  The entire Chase Space eventually gets sorted and on Halloween they all trick or treat as Hogwarts students with different colored ties.  All the kids start collecting chocolate frogs for the cards so Annabeth brings them all a pack of them when she comes to visit.  

-Eventually, Annabeth gets into the habit of visiting every Saturday afternoon.  In the Chase Space household, this day becomes "Annabeth day" and all the kids practically wait for her at the door for hours.  They even bring board games and bean bags that they set up on the floor in front of the door while they wait for her.  

-Before Annabeth leaves the Chase Space, she always gathers the kids around and reads them a story.  Sometimes she tells them stories of her and Percy's adventures without actually revealing their identities as demigods.  

-The Chase Space is Annabeth's safe place.  If she's ever upset and doesn't want to talk about it, Percy and her friends always know where she went.  

-Whenever Magnus doesn't know what to do, he calls Annabeth and asks her advice

-Annabeth was one of the bridesmaids at Samirah and Amir's wedding

-Both Magnus and Annabeth's dad walk her down the aisle on her wedding day with Percy

-When Annabeth's siblings in cabin 6 asked her which sibling was her favorite, she said "Magnus" without any hesitation.  Her siblings were all like, "who the Hades is Magnus?"

-When Annabeth found herself really busy one week and didn't go to the Chase Space, she was on a date with Percy and found herself ordering falafel out of habit.

-When Magnus gets really upset about something, he just doesn't talk at all.  He gets really quiet.  If Annabeth is ever talking to Magnus's friends on the phone or something, she always asks how Magnus is.  If they ever say, "He's really quiet today"  Annabeth drops everything she's doing to bring him cookie dough and a movie.  

-Magnus and Annabeth have codes they use over the phone if they ever need each other's help for different things  

-Magnus taking Annabeth on nature hikes like his mother used to.  Magnus and Annabeth taking "cousin camping trips" every month.

-Magnus inviting Annabeth to the Chase Space for Thanksgiving every year and both of them being terrible cooks so Hearth and Blitz have to shoo them out of the kitchen

-Magnus and Annabeth being total dorks together and pranking their friends as a duo

-Magnus and Annabeth sneaking a box of stray kittens into the Chase Space to foster and Hearth and Blitz scold them

-Hearth and Blitz practically parenting the Chase cousins.  
"Magnus, you need to get a haircut today, no exceptions".  
"Annabeth, have you eaten anything besides Ramen noodles and coffee this week?"

Hope you guys liked this.  If you guys want to request headcanons for any other family bonds, ships, or cute friendships in the riordanverse, let me know in the comments.

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