Reyna, Hylla, and Thalia

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I'm back. Hope you all have been well! I'm sorry for not posting in a while, but life happens. Here's some Reyna and Hylla and Thalia headcanons for you guys.  I love this fam.

-With Reyna in the hunt, and Hylla as the Queen of the Amazons, there is an era of peace between the hunters and the Amazons that has never been seen before.

-Hylla has a daughter and Reyna loves her niece so much. Being "Tia Reyna" is her favorite thing ever and she smiles so big every time her niece calls her that.

-Hylla teases Reyna all of the time because she is so easily bothered. It's her love language.

-Hylla may be the older sister, but Reyna is the motherly one. If Hylla gets sick, Reyna must be the one to take care of her or else.

-When Reyna left the hunt with Thalia (they were totally oblivious idiots at this point), Hylla was the first one to notice Reyna's feelings for the daughter of Zeus.

-Hylla and Thalia actually get along really well and gang up to tease Reyna together. Reyna scolds them for their antics.

-Hylla cares about her people more than anything and is known as the most peaceful queen the Amazons ever had. She never leads her people to war without very good cause.

-Hylla is a cat person. She has four royal cats. Reyna is obviously the dog person. Her greyhounds chase Hylla's poor cats when she comes to visit.

-Hylla is the best mom. She raises her daughter with all the love she never got. But Tia Reyna is Hylla's daughter's favorite person. When Tia Reyna comes over it's the best day ever. Hylla's totally not jealous of that.

-Reyna may have been a hunter, but she has terrible aim. Hylla can't stop laughing whenever Reyna tries to shoot an arrow. Thalia tries so hard not to laugh, her girlfriend can be scary.

-Hylla can be strict and tough, but she gets so soft when Reyna's hurt. Do not hurt her baby sister, Hylla is super protective. She'll sing to her in Spanish and coddle her with blankets.

-Thalia and Hylla have a silent pact to take care of Reyna when the other is not around because Reyna won't take care of herself.

-Hylla isn't one of those older sisters that interrogates their little sister's potential dates or threatens their life. She basically adopted Thalia into the family before she and Reyna even got together. Oh, but Reyna is. Anyone who even looks at Hylla like they would want to ask her on a date, must expect to be thoroughly questioned by her little sister.

-Watching Hylla and Reyna fence is the most mesmerizing thing because they trained with pirates. It's so entertaining to watch.

-Thalia and Reyna adopt a young girl after a while, and Hylla is literally the coolest aunt. She's the Queen of the Amazons. Who can say they have the Queen of the Amazons as their aunt? Thalia and Reyna's kids, that's who. Cool Aunt Hylla for life.

-I like to think that since Reyna grows older and Hylla doesn't age, that Hylla would retire at one point. I think Hylla's daughter would become the next queen, but not because Hylla dies, but because she retires.

-I think Reyna and Hylla would play-fight a lot and Thalia would scold them for being childish. You wouldn't think that Reyna and Hylla would be those sisters that argue with "did not" and "did to" but they totally are.

-Reyna and Hylla braiding each other's hair. They would challenge each other on who could braid Thalia's short hair the best.

-Reyna and Hylla would totally bring their kids together for beach days while they lay down in the sun chillaxing together.

-I think Reyna and Hylla would argue angrily at each other in Spanish so often, that Thalia would attempt to learn Spanish just to understand what they're ranting about.

-Hylla and Reyna both have a habit of stressing themselves out. Sometimes Thalia has to force both of them to sleep at the same time. People admire Thalia for being able to get the stubborn sisters to do what she asks.

-Hylla officiates Thalia and Reyna's wedding. She's a queen. She could do it. And her daughter is the flower girl. No one can convince me that Thalia gets married in anything other than her leather jacket. I bet their first dance would be to a Greenday song. It could happen.

-I always imagined that Thalia and Reyna would adopt a lot of kids eventually. I can just imagine their Aunt Hylla gathering them around to tell them stories of her grand adventures with the Amazons. Like, guys, cool Aunt Hylla barging through the door with her magic belt and her grand army of immortal warrior women.

-Reyna and Hylla having sister days. Sometimes they'd do really stupid stuff together.

-Thalia being the most annoying, yet endearing sister-in-law in existence.

-Thalia getting Hylla into some of the music she likes. Reyna finding them in a random room in Hylla's palace jamming to music together. Hylla and Thalia attempting to get poor Reyna to dance and she's actually really graceful.

-Thalia and Hylla bonding over their love for Reyna. Reyna loving that they are friends.

-Reyna and Hylla silently reading together.

-Reyna and Hylla attempting to bake together and epically failing because they are both better at cooking. Thalia scolding them and forcing them to leave the kitchen before they do anymore damage.

-Hylla, Reyna, and Thalia having a movie night. Hylla would cry, Thalia would throw food, and Reyna would sit quietly and occasionally nod her head or look confused while snuggling with a blanket. She falls asleep first. Thalia and Hylla would definitely gang up on her to draw on her face.

-Hylla and Thalia love coffee. Reyna likes hot chocolate. She'd be that friend that gets the hot chocolate instead of the coffee at the coffee shop.

Once again, if there are any other relationships or friendships of any kind that you guys want me to write about, let me know in the comments. I'd love to hear your guy's ideas. I was thinking about Annabeth and Sally next? Or would you guys rather I post a short story or one shot instead of headcanons? I can do that too. Keep writing guys.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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