Future Headcanons

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Hey guys!  This is a fun take on some possible futures for some of the PJO/HoO/ToA couples and friends!  I just love that Rick doesn't write epilogues so we can write stuff like this!  Obviously, these are just some headcanons I made up.  You do not have to agree with any of these ships at all, in fact, I'd love to hear your guy’s fav ships in the comments!  Let me know who your favorite pairings are.  I just love hearing different people's takes on ships!  And if you guys like these and want me to make some headcanons up for different pairings, let me know!  I love imagining possible futures for different couples!


They call it the golden years of New Rome.  The demigods went to New Rome University to earn their college degrees, and start their early lives as young adults.  They really formed their bonds during these years together and grew as a family.  

-Percy and Annabeth were there first.  They were the oldest, and had graduated high school the earliest.  Percy started his four year Marine Biology degree, while Annabeth would start her two year architecture degree (she had enough experience and know-how to cut down the years).  

-Rachel started the same year as Percabeth for a fine arts degree, and the three sort of grew to become a little trio.

-Reyna, Jason, Piper, Calypso, and Frank go a year after Percy, Annabeth, and Rachel.

-Reyna and Calypso both went into business degrees, both with dreams of the businesses they wanted to open.  They became close friends during this time.

-Leo did not go to college.  It wasn't something he wanted.  But he got a job at the New Rome mechanic to start himself off and be close to Cal.

-Piper wanted a degree in poetry and fine arts (songwriting/music).  She got to know Rachel since they wanted similar degrees

-Frank started his four year plan to become a vet that year too.

-Will started his medical schooling in New Rome a year after those guys.  After a few years in New Rome, however, he'd have to go to med school.  

-Nico didn't go to college, but he lived in New Rome that year with his boyfriend.  He first learned how to manage a restaurant at the New Rome coffee place with Bombilo (a character from Tyrant's Tomb) and even did some ambassador stuff for Camp Jupiter.  

-Hazel went a year after Nico and Will for her teaching degree.

-Thalia lived in New Rome too for a while, doing volunteer self-defense classes for girls, and helping orphaned demigod kids find homes and families.  (Assume in this universe that Thalia and Reyna left the hunt).  

Future Careers:

-Annabeth is an architect for cities all around the world.  She usually works from home though.  She is also an architect for Olympus.  

-Percy is a Marine Biologist.  He runs a Marine Wildlife rescue unit that specializes in beached marine animals.

-Thalia runs a camp for kids called Camp Runaway.  It's a place where any demigod kids can stay that have any kind of bad home situation or don't have a home, or a place where younger demigods can heal from trauma without the drama or pressure of their godly parents at camp half blood.  Thalia runs a self defense class for girls, and runs the camp day-to-day activities. It's kind of like the Chase Space if you know that is, just a bit different.  

-Reyna and Frank run a no-kill animal shelter for cats and dogs, and also the biggest horse shelter/rescue in the US.  Frank is the live-in veterinarian, while Reyna runs the place.  She also trains service dogs for demigods and mortals with the rescue dogs.  She runs a horse riding therapy class for Camp Runaway as well.  

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