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Name: Blackknife

Alias(es): Shadowcloud, Bonereader, Cosmos, Darkheart, Bladebringer, Discord, Victory, etc.

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them

Sexuality: Gay


Occupation: Con Artist

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Occupation: Con Artist

Personality: Blackknife is like a fox and a snake combined. They are very sneaky and sly and know how to get what they want. It also helps that he can read minds, if only barely. Blackknife will study people before he "attacks" and will conjure the perfect character to satisfy his needs. This dragon can be caring if they actually, well, care for you, but it's rare. The only known instance of this happening is to his father (and maybe a SandWing that's more than they seem to Blackknife).

Backstory: Blackknife hatched to his very argue-y parents who practically hated each other. Blackknife had a strong relationship with his father (Quickfall) and when his mother (Laststrike) left, he was happy because his dad was happy. Then, their father was shot in the neck with an arrow. Blackknife immediately set out to see who killed his dad. He started a career as a con artist to see dragon's personalities and see if they were the ones who killed Quickfall.

going to be continued but i need to get this out

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