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Name: Skink

Tribe: Sand/Sea

Gender: Male

Age: 4

Abilities: Doesn't have SandWing barb, can't breathe underwater, can't light-up scales, can go a week (?) without water, can see in the dark, doesn't radiate warmth or breathe fire, has an excellent sense of smell, doesn't have very good hearing.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: Skink has tan scales with black stripes running along his back and sides, one on each side and two skinny ones in the middle with a fat dark tan one in between them. These stripes also go up to his head. He has no SandWing sail, barb, or face. Skink has a blue SeaWing tail and webbed feet. He has no front arms and light-up scales. His eyes are amber, but his horns and claws are a bit darker than his belly scales, which are a light tan. His wings and talon membrane is a lighter shade of blue than his tail. He is also very thin, and you can see his ribcage. Skink wears a small anklet made of amber oval-sphere-things on his left leg.

Personality: Curious, jumpy, and silly, Skink may seem like a good dragonet. But he is also quite jealous and doesn't want to listen to others, which makes him not understand stuff. Skink also is a bit of a cry-baby, and won't be loyal to you unless you are very close to him (or he likes you). He usually adapts to changes quickly, however, so he is one to bounce back up like nothing happened.

Residence: A little house in Possibility with his mom, dad, two older brothers, and two older sisters. His aunt and uncle and grandparents also live close.

Family/Friends: Marine-SeaWing-Mother












Sunstone-SkyWing-Best Friend


Backstory: Skink wriggled in his egg. His parents, siblings, and aunt and uncle crowded close, excited for the supposed last member of the family to be born. His grandparents couldn't make it soon enough; they were still in their kingdoms. Everyone squealed with anticipation as a crack came up in the shell. A little head poked its way through, looking up at them with his big eyes. A chest followed, then his back legs, then wings, and a tail- wait, where were his front legs? The little dragonet stared at his family, then looked at Mirage, his oldest sister, and asked "mommmmyyyyyyyy?" His family was shocked. *going out of narrative mode* His sister suddenly broke into a grin and started laughing. They helped Skink learn how to walk on two legs and were very supportive. Skink could hop around on two feet, but eventually learned how to walk normally. He couldn't lean over, however, or else he'd fall. His grandparents came about a month after his hatching, right about when he was learning to fly. He had a pretty normal life and played with the other dragonets in Possibility. When he was two years old, on the same day he bought his pet gerbil, a SkyWing came with a RainWing who shared a pet chinchilla. They had come from the SkyWing kingdom because their father was sick. Skink got confused, and they explained that Peridot, the RainWing, was adopted by Sunstone, the SkyWing's, family. The new arrivals taught him a game they played called "jump-rope". Skink immediately became the master of it, kinda because he was already quite jumpy. He quickly fell in love with Peridot, as well, and became jealous of her when she kept going over to Sunstone's because he thought she was in love with her. He didn't want to accept the fact that Peridot liked Sunstone more than him. One day, when the dragonets were four, Sunstone's father died. Everyone attended the funeral, but shortly after, Sunstone and Peridot moved away. Her mother wanted to move back to the Sky Kingdom. When Sunstone and Peridot moved, Skink was sad and angry, and wouldn't speak to anyone for a week. His sister Mirage finally managed to calm him down and suggested he write to Peridot. Skink took this advice and wrote a note to her saying how much he missed her and confessed his feelings to her. Peridot was appalled, but let him down very kindly, saying she was actually aromantic, and wasn't interested in anyone, really. Skink was devastated, but she also noted that she liked him as a friend, and would always come to him for advice. This cheered the young hybrid up, and they continue to write to each other, with the occasional greet-up, and share every secret with each other.

 This cheered the young hybrid up, and they continue to write to each other, with the occasional greet-up, and share every secret with each other

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