Chapter six

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You guys walk downstairs in this

and Natasha looks at you and whispers to Wanda something

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and Natasha looks at you and whispers to Wanda something. Whatever it was it made her laugh. She told Steve who told bucky who told Tony who told Thor. "WHAT!?" He looks over at you two and walks up to you both. "Shit we're in trouble aren't we" "you know it" he says "did you sleep with him y/n!?" "What!? How did you-" "you both are covered in hickeys!" "What's wrong with me having sex brother?" "You're a teenager! Did you even use a condom!?" "Yes and I'm 16, I can do what I want" "that doesn't justify what you did!" You start floating and your eyes start glowing. "Don't raise your damn voice at me. There is nothing wrong with me having sex, hell you do it.

Now stop slut-shaming me and we can both leave with all our limbs attached." Thor walks back to the couch and you stop floating. You look at him and you grab peters face and you kiss him while giving Thor the finger. "Come on darling let's go get food" you grab his hand and walk to the kitchen. You grab the box of Cheerios and pick you and Peter a bowl. "What's wrong princess?" "It's nothing, just my brother is difficult, he's always been like this. With Loki he encourages him to go on thousands of dates but then as soon as I find someone I actually like and he starts slut-shaming me" "you are not a slut, you are perfect. And you are a goddess so that's pretty fucking cool" you laugh and say

"thank you darling" you hug him and he kisses your forehead. You get a message from Loki and you see a video of you and peters first kiss last night. "Oh you've got to be shitting me!" Steve walks in and says "language" "can you just like not for two seconds?" "Jeez sorry, what's this video that Loki sent by the way?" "He sent it to you!?" "Me and everyone else" "he's dead" you watch the video and you see everything from Peter coming into your room to you sitting on his lap making out with him. You shut off your phone and you look out the window and you see that it's raining. "Peter! It's raining! Come on" you grab his arm and you run out the door. You start jumping around and dancing in the rain with Peter. He picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. "Aahhh!!! Peter put me down!"

You both start laughing and he puts you down and spins you around. You continue dancing with him and everyone is watching you and Wanda starts recording you two. Peter spins you around one more time and then he kisses you. Everyone awes and Thor says "this is disgusting" "go suck a dick Thor"
Nat says to him. You and Peter are doming wet and you both go inside. You run up to peters room and you both quickly take off your clothes. You step into the shower and you kiss Peter. You jump onto him wrapping your legs around his waist. "Y/n I'm not wearing a-" "just fuck me Peter" you kiss him again and he sticks it in you.

My goddess//Peter Parker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now