Chapter 2: First Meet

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Jennie POV:

Not a single place is hiring. All the store I have seen doesn't even have a hiring poster. I guess all the jobs are full.

I sighed and walk back to the bus stop, slowly taking the step from step. As I was walking back, I looked at my sister's side of me from the mirror.

The look on her is gloomy and repine.

When I got to the bus stop, the bus still have a long way to go. I have to wait approximately 2  hours. "Why does the time go so slow," I said out loud, complaining about the time. I didn't realize what I said out loud. I just slope down and walk around.

I went to walk in a different direction from where I came from, hopefully, there will at least be a job that is hiring. I see a tunnel not far. I was curious about what's on the other side of this city.

When I got into the tunnel, I see it was full of light for walkers like me to go. This tunnel is not only for cars but also for bikers. I guess this tunnel allows different transportation to happen.

When I step foot at the end of the long tunnel, I see more cities. Welcome to South Dae, the sign says. So, I'm already in another city from traveling from the tunnel. I wonder if this city has a job for me.

I walk further into the city, looking at both sides to see a job opportunity. The streets here aren't the same as the part I was in. Things are lacking at this part, like trees on the sidewalk or have very tall buildings, but it does have features the middle city didn't have, like more roads spaced out for bicycles to ride in. The sidewalks are huge here compare to the middle city.

I went past the 4th block street, where the business company is located at this part of the city. I walk for a few seconds until something caught my eye. Hiring. I look at the poster and it says, need hiring for a receptionist. This hotel wants someone to be at the front, checking people in.

I smirked.

Sounds to me, this job will be a good job for me. It's easy and light on my shoulders. I went in and went to the receptionist. "Hello, ma'am. What can I do for you, today." The receptionist said. "Can I have a job application for the receptionist job?" I asked her, hoping I may have a chance to get a job. "Yes, let me get it." She went out of her chair, and out of the room.

I waited until she came back. "Here are the papers. Just fill everything out and give it to us. Expect us to get back by tomorrow." I nodded as I grab the papers from her. "Thank you."
"Your most welcome, ma'am."

I turn around and fill out the application. After I was done, I quickly checked it twice before handing it back to the receptionist. "Thank you and hope you get the job," as she takes the filled-out papers from my hand. "Thank you."
"Your welcome. And my name is Soni." "I'll remember that." She smiled and left the conversation there as she takes care of a customer who was waiting near the desk.

I turn around and went back to the bus stop. 58 minutes left, it says. I'm not going to wait that long, so I decided to walk back home. The way back home will take me to 1 hour which is almost equivalent to waiting and riding on the bus home. The only disadvantage I have is I will have music sores.

When I sat down on the bench after a long walk back home, I heard a voice shout at me.

"That is my seat. Now leave before I push you." A male body was standing in front of me.

I look up and saw a man. I assume he is around my age. "I'm sorry. I was here first. There is plenty of space around these two benches." I said shyly.
"I want you to move. I don't want to sit anywhere besides's here. Or else I will push out of the seat. You won't like it if I got all my sweat water on you." He threatened. I got scared and decided to move. I went to the other bench's end and did not look at them. "Good and stay there." I didn't listen to him as I put my head down to rest from the walking.

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