Chapter 22: Part 1

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Jennie POV:

Taehyung and I arrived at a cuisine restaurant. He told me to sit for a minute as he wait in line. When it was his turn, he told the waiter his name and the waiter checked and confirmed. The waiter told us to follow them. I got up and followed. When we got to our vip room, we went in and the waiter said to sit anywhere.

There were a round table and have a capacity of 6 people sitting in the chairs.

"Feel free to sit across as this is not a date. I will not force you as I want to know you more and get an update in life about you," Taehyung said as he laid his coat on the back of the chair and sat down.

I sat across him and we started to talk.

"I am going to be in doctor program. I just recently graduated."

"That is awesome. What type of doctor job you want to be?"

"I want to be a..."

"Sorry to interrupt you guys. Would you like something to drink?"

"Water for me."

"Water for me as well."

"Ok. Would you guys like to order?"

"I would like to have ######## and #######."

"And you ma'am?"

"I would like to have ######### and a appetizer for ########.l

"Ok. I will bring them to you when it is ready."

The waiter left and we went back to talking.

"I was saying. I want to be an emergency surgeon. After all, my dad was one."

"Following your dad's footstep?"


"Well, I am as well. I took over and combine both my parent's companies. It's called Hylos-star."

"And what do you do."

"My business is mostly for consumers but we are likely to branch and take over one entertainment company. Don't tell anyone the last part."

"I won't."

"What will you be doing over the summer?"

"Job shadow for a doctor."

"That is a good opportunity to have. I see you will be a future good doctor and saving people."

I chuckle little before saying, "You have so many faith in me. I never seen this side of you."

"And I will never will forget and keep saying this, I have changed."

"But I have not let go of the past feeling. I'm still not sure."

"That is ok. I have 6 more days to prove..."

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation again. Here is the food."

The waiter set the food on the table and then left.

"As I was saying, I have 6 days to prove to you that I have changed and willing to help you let go that past feeling. Today, may be weak but I will put effort to try."

"I appreciate you trying to help me, but I still have the grudge in my heart. The heart breaking feeling to lose a friend that we bonded."

"I know and I'm sorry for that. I do blame myself. The past me for the harm. After serving in the military, I changed to be a men and not a teenager."

"You serve in the military?"

"I did for about less than 2 years. It was shortly right after you left."


"I am exempt from serving the the country at age 28 but it did taught me something."

There was a somewhat mid silence before I started speaking to cut off the silence.

"Before you went into military, I went to another school and finish my last year. I score a perfect score in the entrance exam and went into a medical school. I live there for a year and moved out and live out of campus with new friends. I met them when I first came to the university. I just study and hang out with them and that sums up my whole 4 years."

"Did you do anything fun."

"Yes, I have."

"That is great to hear."


After spending a whole day, Taehyung took Jennie home for the night.

Taehyung open the door for her and she thanked him.

She told him that she had fun today before marching into the house.

Taehyung closed the passenger door and went to the driver said before yelling to her, "I will pick you up on friday!"

She thumbs up saying yes before closing the door.

Taehyung smiled before saying "I will cherish this moment and move on in life, waiting for the day to come and make her sparkle."

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