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When Court didn't show up the day, he promised is when I began to worry. And the worry got thicker when he wasn't there in the morning. The full moon is only a day away and he shouldn't have taken this long.

What could've held him up?

This is what led me to talk to Lyell and Xerxes. I tended to just ignore them unless they asked me a question. Especially Lyell.

I found the two in the kitchen cooking some a rack of ribs.

Lyell was rubbing the ribs down with some sort of seasoning before he placed them back in the oven. Xerxes looked over as he saw me come in.

"Do you need something?" Xerxes asked.

"Is Court back yet?" I asked.

"No." Xerxes answered.

"Can you look for him?" I asked.

Xerxes looked back at me. "How do you expect me to look for him? He's probably with the king and queen. I can't exactly walk in there." Xerxes responded.

"Court told me he would be back yesterday, and he's not here." I told him.

"Court was probably held up." Lyell spoke turning around.

"He promised me he'd be back." I retorted.

"What do you expect us to do? We can't go in there. The full moon is tomorrow, he'll be meeting us at the sacrifice zone. I'll tell him to go visit you after we get the sacrifice." Xerxes watched me.

"He promised me, something could've happened to him." I insisted.

"He's the crown prince, I doubt anything happened to him. You're just worrying yourself. Go read a book or something. I'll have Lyell bring you in the ribs once it's done." Xerxes shut me down instantly.

"Can't you guys just go near the village and check?" I asked not wanting to back down.

"He's fine. He's spent many years there, much longer than you've been here. There's been times where he is gone much longer than this time. He comes back so often because of you." Lyell spoke as he watched me.

Neither of the two were budging concerning Court. All I could do was go to my room, but it didn't get rid of my worry. I was terrified something had happened to him.

But I didn't know the way back to the village and I didn't want to risk walking there like some madwoman. Court never left Celeste here so it's not like I could take him. 

None of the wolf-shifters had horses either.

I ended up pacing the room. What could I possibly do?

Then an idea came in. An idea that could kill me if I don't do it quickly. Surely this would get me further than Court's stubborn brothers.

Thorin. He didn't like humans. He made it clear his disdain and he watched me cautiously upon finding out we were cousins. Maybe he'd help me. If there was a chance that he, would I had to take it.

The first thing I did was change my clothes to something a bit more flexible. Walking out the front door would without a doubt catch Lyell and Xerxes attention. The two may not care about me much but wouldn't just let me wander into the forest. I had to go out the window.

I put on one of the fur lined dresses with a more stretchy feel to it before grabbing my red cloak and putting on the thick leather boots that had been made for me.

Once I was dressed, I went to the window and pushed it open before slowly letting myself out and then shutting the window. I surveyed the area to make sure Lyell and Xerxes weren't out and could stop me.

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