Chapter Fifteen

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Athena's POV

I groaned as I dragged myself into the driver's seat and greeted Bumblebee. It was still early morning and I had a few more hours before I needed to show up to work so I figured I could nap off some of my injuries and then hope that no one attacked the city before I was able to fully heal. I managed to tell Bee to wake me up 20 minutes before I needed to be at work before I passed out.

3rd Person POV

As soon as Athena had passed out, Bumblebee jumped into action. He hated seeing his only friend like this and he had decided enough was enough. He used his biotech to send messages to all of Athena's soulmates plus Kara, Alex, and Eliza since he figured she would want more of a female presence when she woke up but he was tired of watching her pretend like everything was okay when it clearly wasn't. He told everyone where to meet and then sent them Athena's address which was conveniently located in the middle of National City, Metropolis, and Gotham. So all Barry had to do was portal half the team from his world and then get them over to the same house where Athena had healed them the first time they had met.

"Holly fuck, what the hell happened to her?!" Aquaman said as soon as Bumblebee pulled up to Athena's house and opened the door so they could see her.

As hard as they tried to convince him, Bumblebee refused to let anyone take Athena from the car, so in the end, all her soulmates climbed into the car while Alex, Kara, and Eliza went inside to find some medical supplies.

Athena's POV

I groaned as I woke up to the sound of several voices arguing back and forth. I shrugged assuming it was the last fragment of my dreams.

"Ugh, what time is it Bee? I need to be at work by noon," I said as I moaned and groaned as I shifted my position in the car seat to be more comfortable. I ended up just flopping back and forth like a fish for all the good it did me.

"You are not going to work today, sweet cheeks, we need to take care of those injuries first, and then you're going to tell us exactly how you got them!" I blinked blearily up at Clark and frowned at him from his spot in the passenger seat.

"Damnit, what are you doing here!" I hissed. I looked around and realized that everyone else from the justice league was also in the car, plus Mon-El. And judging from my quick glances out the window, Bumblebee had driven me to my secret place. "Seriously Bee? Why the hell did you bring me here! And what the fuck were you thinking calling everyone over! I'm this close to taking you to the junk yard and selling you for scrap!" I exclaimed as I smacked the dashboard.

He hummed and turned the radio to "Sorry".

(Sorry - Justin Bieber)

I rolled my eyes. "You may be sorry, Bee but I'm not going to forget this for a long time!" I told him as I groaned and sat up in the seat, wincing as I hit my sore back against the cushions.

I yawned loudly and rubbed my face, trying to wake up but I was still so exhausted.

"I know you're tired sweetie but we need to get you out of this car and taken care of," I heard Clark say as he gingerly tucked some of my hair behind my ear. I groaned and shifted again as I let out another yawn. I tucked my arm behind my head and closed my eyes.

"I'll be fine in a few days - seriously don't worry about me. Bee just overreacted that's all," I mumbled.

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