New Start

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Y/n's Intro

As I pull up to my new apartment I feel nervous. It's a new city and there's going to be new people but I got this, I think.

I get out my car seeing that the movers are already done moving my stuff in. To be honest it's not a lot. It's just enough to live comfortably.
It's not like I'm going to be home all the time.

I'm just going to be the new girl around here and no one is going to notice me. FYI if you all are wondering I'm going to be a new attending at Grey Sloan for orthopedics.

People find it strange for a woman to go into orthopedic surgery but I think it makes me strong. Not saying that other women in other specialties aren't strong.

I'm saying any woman is strong as a surgeon. Like my sister she's a surgeon here too for trauma. Anyways enough about me.

Callie's POV

I'm walking out if the OR with a very risky save but I manage to build back all of their limbs. And it took almost 13 hours to do and I'm exhausted.

I walk to the attending's lounge when I see Bailey walking in. I know this is something good or something very bad.

"Torres" the short woman spoke to me. "What's up Bailey" I said nervously. "I have some news for you" Bailey said in her serious boss tone. "Ok is it about how I didn't agree with Hunt on that case cause if i didn't go rouge that patient wouldn't be alive right now" I just blurted out hoping that was the news she wanted to tell me.

"Oh god it's not about that , this is good news trust me" she said in a less serious tone. "If it's not bad why did you use your boss tone to scare me" I sat then sigh of relief. "I do not have a boss tone" Bailey said acting offended.

"Umm yes you do girl and ever since the day I met you" I was laughing at her for being dramatic. "Well anyways you're getting getting a new attending tomorrow" Bailey said excitedly. "Oh great another man to tell me how hard it must be to be a woman in ortho" I say rolling my eyes.

"Well I have to go and the new attending she will be here tomorrow at 8:00 am to start" Bailey said then walking away. I was shocked finally another woman on team ortho, hell yes. "Wait the attending is a she. Miranda Bailey get back here!" I yelled after her while she walks past the big window outside of the attending's lounge waving at me. This woman and her mind games, I think to myself as I pack my bag ready to go home, to see Sofia. After I get done changing I check the clock and it's only 6:00 in the afternoon. I see Jackson walking in.

"Hey Callie, want to go to Joe's tonight?" He asked as he's grabbing his bag. "Yeah sure I'll stay til like 11 or so I need to get back to Sofia" I say looking at my phone texting the babysitter that I'll won't be gone for a while. "Why don't you send her to daycare they now have it for 24 hours" he suggested. "Wait they have it for 24 hours! Since when?!" I said surprised.

"Yeah ever since the Avery foundation took over. I convinced the board to pay the daycare staff three times their original pay so they can keep the kids 24/7 instead of 12 hours a day" he said taking off his shirt.

"Wow thank the lord that you said that now I'm about to drive home to pick her up and take her to the dare care instead of having this teenager I have babysitting" I say grabbing my keys heading out. The drive to my house isn't that far. After about 15 minutes I pull into the drive way.

I unlock the door stepping into the quiet house. I see the babysitter sitting down on the couch and a sleeping Sofia right next to her.

As I reach down to pick Sofia up, the babysitter turns around with a bat. "Dang you scared the living shit out of me" she whispered but in a yell.

"Jesus I just came home early to take Sofia into day care since you been here all day that's all" I say trying to reassure the scared teenager on my couch. "Oh okay have fun Callie" she says grabbing her bag. I reach into my purse pulling out 80 bucks and handing it to her, before she walked out the door.

I walk down the hall to Sofia's room and pack her ipad and other things. I walk out of her room pick her back up and carry her to the car, taking her to dare care.
-40 minutes later-

"Torres where you been?" Alex shouted as I walked up to the table. "I was taking care of something" I say sitting down next to Meredith. "So what are we having" I say. "Tequila!" Meredith says and everyone is laughing. I stop and turn around when I hear the bell on the door go off. Revealing a mysterious woman. I see a woman walking through the doors, looking around.

She looked like she's never been here before. She's also breath taking just by looking at her.

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