How Do I Handle This

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Note: Samuel didn't die in this story FYI

April's POV

After a very successful surgery that took basically all day, I was excited to go home and see my kids. I also see a very happy Arizona coming out of the lounge. I know Arizona is always happy but this is a different type of happiness like when she and Callie were like a stable house in their marriage.

"Hey April" she says in a very chirpy tone. "Hi Arizona, what's got you so happy?" I asked with curiosity. "Well I just asked someone on a date and she said yes" Arizona says with a giant smile on her face.

"Omg that's so great so who's this lucky lady" I said being nosy. "Well you probably don't know her but she's new here. That's all I'm telling" she says with a matter of fact tone. "Really so is she a surgeon, nurse, radiologist" I say listing someone of the possible new people in these departments. "I told you I'm not telling April," she says laughing.

"Oh god please don't tell me it's another intern again. I pray it's not another one, because remember what happened with Leah '' I say hoping it's not an intern. "First of all Leah was a resident and no she's not an intern or resident" She says standing her ground. "Okay fine, well whenever your date is with this mystery woman. I hope she treats you right and you treat her right also" I say then give my best friend a hug. "Thank you so much April '' she said, hugging me back tighter. "You'll always have my approval '' I said to her. "Thanks April again, i'll catch you later" she say smiling as she walks away.

I'm so glad that Arizona has found someone that makes her happy for now. I then see Jo the intern run up to me. "Dr. Kepner theres a problem" she says panicking. "What do you mean theres a problem?" i asked confused. "You know Mr. Cole then one you fixed his large and small intestine" she strats saying. "Yes the surgery we just finished" i say then nodd for her to contine. "Well Dr. Y/l/n wants to fix his ribs tomorrow because if she doesn't his ribs can punchure his heart" Jo finish saying.

"What she has to wait, he's too weak to handle another surgey! Let me guess Cristina went to her since we both had him as a patient" i say angerly and Jo nods. "Okay i'll take care of it then" was the last thing i said before looking all over the hospital for her but first I'm going to chill in the lounge because my feet hurt.

I open the door and sigh loudly and I see a head pop up from the couch. I immediately knew it was her. "We need to talk!" I say sternly and y/n sits up. "We do?" She questions as she sits up.

"Yes and it's very urgent" I say still not changing my tone. "Hey if it's about Arizona I only said yes to the date because she's an amazing woman okay" she quickly says defending herself.

I just look at her shocked. Is this why Arizona was so happy when she walked out and I saw her in the hallway. "We'll I came here to talk about a patient not Arizona" I say.

Y/n looks at me like a deer in headlights shocked to what she just told me. "I thought you and Arizona were besties so I thought she already told you when she walked out of here" she says confused.

"Well she told me she asked a woman on a date but she didn't tell me a name. She just told me she was new to the hospital and you didn't come in mind but now it makes so much sense now" I say realizing that y/n was the one that Arizona asked out earlier.

"We'll moving on what do you want to talk to me about before I spilled the beans" she says with a awkward laugh and I do the same before responding.

"I came here to talk about a patient that I just got done operating on and Wilson told me you needed to fix his ribs before it punctures his heart" I say getting back to the original topic. "Oh yes Mr.Cole. Cristina told me that I needed to operate on his ribs before they do furthermore damage to his heart because she's worried he won't recover if they do puncture his heart" she says before grabbing her tablet and pulling up the images from the scans earlier.

She turns the tablet to me and explains. "See this right here" she says as she's pointing to his right two ribs. "No I don't see anything" I say confused then she zooms in and I see a very tiny crack in both of his ribs. "That's so hard to see on regular scans" I say in disbelief.

"Yeah that's what I thought til I took a closer look and see why he had so much pain in his right hypochondriac region" y/n explains and now I get it. "Sorry for being so angry because I was being stupid" I say instantly regretting my actions. "It's fine we're doctors and we try to do our best" she says patting me on the back.

I think y/n is really good for Arizona. I thought to myself as I return a smile to y/n. But wait wasn't Y/n going out with Callie later tonight. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!

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