Who does she think she is?!

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April's POV

I walked towards the OR that Callie and Dr. y/l/n were fixing a man's legs after a car accident. Since I had to do surgery on his wife who was bleeding internally and also had a brain bleed. She luckily pulled through and she'll make it through the night.

As I'm walking into the scrub room the intercom was on so I could hear y/n and Callie talking."Well I'll love to go anywhere with you after our shift" y/n says answering whatever Callie asked her. "Great I'll meet you in the attending lounge after our shifts" Callie says with a smile even though she's wearing a mask you could see Callie's smile a mile away. What I heard over the intercom sounded like y/n and Callie are going on a date.

I know that i'm not a total gossiper or something. That's more of Cristina and Meredith's style. I should tell Arizona but at the same time I shouldn't tell Arizona. Maybe I'll just tell her that I overheard someone else saying that Callie is going on a date with someone who works in the hospital.

That seems like a better plan than actually telling Arizona that Callie is maybe possibly dating her new co-worker that just moved here from who knows where. I don't want to be a snitch but at the same time Arizona might get mad either way if she hears it from me or someone else.

I check the time on my watch seeing that I have been here for like 10 minutes and haven't gone in yet to inform them. I just shook it off and grabbed a mask before entering the OR.

"Hey April" y/n says happily looking up from her patient. "Hey Y/n,Callie" I say trying to get Callie's attention but she's still working, probably zoning me out again. "Don't pay attention to her. What do you need?" Y/n ask wanting an answer. "I'm here just to inform you that when he wakes up. You probably want to tell him that his wife is pulling through and she's going to make it" I say then turn around to leave. "Okay thanks, are you okay April" y/n says and i look at her lost.

"What do you mean about that" I shot back kinda rudely. "Nothing I'm just asking because I saw you standing in the scrub room for like 10 minutes or so, just asking," she says, not changing her tone from earlier. "Yeah sorry I'm okay just thinking" I finally say walking out. I can feel y/n's eye on me as I exit.

I'm speed walking down the hospital hallways trying to find Arizona. I looked everywhere: the OR, storage closet, cafeteria, peds floor. I couldn't find her. I walked up to a nurse who didn't seem like he was doing anything at the time.

"Hey Tyler can you page Dr.Robbins stat for me" I ask him nicely. "What is it this time, April?" he says, getting a hint that I have something to tell. "Tyler I'm not telling you because you're a gossip but I will tell Arizona after you page her" I finally say then he gives in and pages Arizona. "You know I'm going to hear it anyways when the word gets out in April" he shouts while I'm walking away and I just shake my head. Now all I do is to tell Arizona when she gets here.

Callie's POV

After April left I could tell that she was more nervous than usual. "Hey what did April want?" I asked as soon she left the scrub room. "She just wanted to give us an update on his wife" y/n reassures me. "Okay but something is off with April, I know it is and she knows something" I say trying to figure it out.

"Oh no" I say and y/n looks at me crazy. "What Callie, is there something wrong or?" Y/n questions me. "Yeah there is. I think April overheard us talking before she came in here" I say rolling my eyes in frustration.

"Oh and April is also Arizona's best friend isn't she?" Y/n says connecting the dots to what's happening. "It's fine April she's not a gossip so she won't tell hopefully" I say trying not to think of the worst.

About an hour later we've finally got done with the surgery. Our patient he barely pulled through but he's going to need lots of physical therapy but he'll live and that makes me happy.

As y/n and I are scrubbing out I see Alex come in. "Hey Cal, and um newbie. Oh yeah newbie" Alex says laughing after he greets us. "Really newbie Alex that's all you got" y/n says drying her hands off. "Yeah that's all I got for now" He says turning on the sink.

"You are something Alex" I say walking out. "Well that's my cue to go Evil Spawn" I hear y/n say to him and all I could do is laugh. "Hey, how did you hear about that?" he said, getting defensive. "Well I have ears too Evil Spawn" y/n says again and leaves the room and I follow her out.

"How did you hear about his legacy name?" I say while y/n and I are walking down the hallway of the OR floor. "I have a couple of birdies. By birdies I mean Meredith and Cristina, or the so called 'twisted sisters'" y/n says very proudly and I just playfully roll my eyes at her.

"Callie!" I hear a voice all out for me, I turn around and see one of my best friends. I run up to them and hug them tightly. "Wow you must have really missed me huh Cal" Addison says pulling away from the hug for some air.

"Well smart ass it has been 6 years since the last time I saw you" I say, hitting her shoulder playfully. "Hey we facetime and text all the time" Addison says defending herself.

I see y/n out the corner of my eye looking confused. "Oh y/n this is my best friend, the one and only Addison Montgomery" I say letting her know. Addie reached out her hand for y/n to shake hers. "Nice to meet you I'm y/n y/l/n" y/n says shaking Addie's hand.

"And I'm Addison like she said," Addie jokes. "Y/n here is my new attending for ortho" I say proudly. "Wow you finally got another woman on team Ortho, good for you Cal" she says.

"So are you here for a case or something" I ask her. "For a case" Addie says bluntly. "But I'll be here for a week and a half" Addie finishes her sentence. "Finally we can have a girls night like we used to do" I say so excitedly. "And you have to introduce me to your wife, so called Arizona," Addie says, raising her eyebrows.

Y/n and my face drops at the mention of Arizona being my wife. "That's something we can talk about later" I say, trying not to make Addie think she made me upset. "Okay then we'll I'm off to see Miranda in her CHIEF office" Addie says then walks off to find Bailey.

"You haven't told her yet, I thought she's your best friend?" Y/n questions seeming to be annoyed. "I tell her everything except my failed Marriage. I told her about the last one though" I am trying to avoid the topic. "You had another marriage. I guess that's for another night huh" y/n says darting her eyes at me.

"Yes I'll tell Addison about Arizona and I'll tell you about the other marriage" I say then look around seeing if no ones around before I kiss y/n. "Okay whatever you say" y/n said back before kissing me.

Arizona's POV

I just got done with a 10 hour surgery but the kid pulled through and I'm happy. I need to tell Callie that I'll sign the divorce papers. I'm starting to have a crush on y/n. She's sweet and very drop dead gorgeous. I plan to ask y/n out tonight after our shift since we both get off at the same time. As I'm walking down the OR floor my heart dropped. I see Callie and y/n kissing in the hallway. I quickly walk away before they see me. 'Who does she think she is?' I thought to myself on the verge of tears.

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