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"Well done, Rian. " The director announced through the speaker as soon as they were done shooting the last part.

Rian smiled, thanking everyone for their hardwork whilst bowing her head. Despite the stress and mixed feelings she has been feeling since the day they were guested in one of the variety show in Korea, along with the other groups, she's doing her best to go on.

She's trying to be okay for her health and of course, for their baby. And fuck that's hard. The other night, when Sunghoon asked her for them to talk, that he'll fetch her so they could have a peaceful talk, she should've not expected it coming. She should've not look forward to it because guess what? Those only leads her to disappointment.

He didn't come.

That night, she waited for two hours in the living room. Even when her bandmates are confused why she was dressed up instead of wearing a night clothes, whilst sitting in the living room. She even told the others that she will sleep soon when they told her to sleep because it's obvious that she's exhausted and not fine. They can see it, especially Eunjung who knew what's happening to her.

So she waited. Waited for two hours before she received a massage from the man she was waiting for, telling her that something urgent came up and that he's sorry for not informing her earlier.

And she broke down to tears.

Rian wasn't the emotional type of person, or if ever she is, she always make sure not to get emotional and breakdown in front of others. Especially when she's not in her room. But right at that moment, she didn't know what's gotten to her and she didn't care as she broke down in that room. She didn't care if her bandmates will hear her or someone could walk in and saw her in her weak state, she doesn't care.

The fact that Sunghoon put distance between them, to him cheating on her with someone else, with the people who still hating her because of the issue that had died down, and to her, finding out that she's pregnant. Those are just... too much. It's overwhelming and it's suffocating her. And she didn't know what to do.

Though, after a while and had finally calmed down as she hugged herself, giving herself the warmth she so badly needed at that moment, she reached for her phone and typed a reply to Sunghoon, telling him that it's alright.

Yes, it's alright. It's gonna be alright. Everything will be alright... And that's what she was hoping.

Rian took a few pictures before changing in to her causal clothes. Even though she wanted to post those pictures right now, she can't as they were forbid to post anything related to their upcoming work such as comeback or anything. That's why despite she wanted to post the pictures now, she decided to post it the day when her solo single will be dropped. She just hope the fans would like it.

Speaking of fans.... Some of them aren't still tired. Everytime she would open her social media account, her notifications are always bombarded with good and hateful comments coming from the fans.

Up until now, there are still so many fans that's furious and still can't get over with the issue of her and Sunghoon. They are still throwing insults nonstop and Rian can't help but to get hurt whenever she read them.

Of course, there are also good comments coming from her loyal fans. Actually, there are so many good comments but despite that fact, maybe it's in our nature to still care for the hate comments than the good ones. Maybe it's in our nature to pay attention to those who hates us than to the one who cares for us, maybe that's the reason why Rian always read them. She knew it's not good for her emotional health and for the baby, but she can't help it.

After removing her make up, she bid the staffs a goodbye before she goes straight to their dorm. She's tired. Exhausted even. Physically and emotionally.

Tomorrow, they will have photoshoot in the morning, practice till afternoon and fansign in the evening. Rian just hope she would survive the day tomorrow without collapsing. If it's a normal day, then she doesn't have a problem, she knew she can do well and survive tomorrow since it's their usual schedule. But right now, it's different. She easily get tired, she seemed too lazy and too slow to move. And she has the idea why. She knew why.

That night, Rian goes to bed and sleep earlier than usual. And of course, she woke up feeling unwell just like the other mornings. It's always been like this and according to Eunjung, it's natural. So without wasting time, she readied herself and goes to the entertainment building with her members for the photoshoot.

The day was just starting but she is feeling really unwell. With the crowded space of the studio and changing with different clothes in every ten minutes, the female idol is barely holding on.

Today, it's like the worst. She's really being unwell compared to the days before. And she's pushing herself to her extent.

After the photoshoot, they gathered to the practice room to practice. Eunjung always give Rian the looks of worry, but the latter would always smile to her and if she had the chance, she would gave the older a thumbs up, indicating that she's alright even though deep down, they both knew she's not.

In the midst of practicing, Rian felt the ground moving and she's thankful when they're in the last position wherein they are holding to each other. So she clutched on Yena's arm to regain her balance as she shut her eyes tightly.

"You okay? " Yena asked while looking at her with worried eyes.

Rian nodded, biting her lip. "Yes, yes. It's just that, the spin is a bit intense. " She lied and faked a chuckle.

"You sure? You looked pale. "

Rian nodded, giving them an assuring smile. "Yeah, now let's practice again. From the start. " And she clapped her hands.

They are worried, but what Rian said is true. The last step which consists a spin is a bit intense and so they let it slide and continue practicing and practicing until afternoon which is a mistake. As when they were on their way to the venue of fansign, just as when they got out of the van, fans were all over the place pushing their body guards and trying to reach for them in desperate to touch them, not caring if they are hurting the idols who just wanted to walk passed the crowd and to the building.

Though, the fans suddenly stilled as shouts of order coming from the staffs and body guards, along with the two idols' voices filled the place when Rian suddenly collapsed on the ground, unconscious.

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